How to properly moisturize problem skin

Posted By: Elena K 06 May 2023


Problematic facial skin needs special care. With the right approach, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition of the epidermis, even out the tone and give your face a healthy glow. The main thing is to choose products that are suitable specifically for your skin type and regularly perform simple procedures.

How to identify problem skin

When we talk about problem skin, it means her tendency to be very dry or, conversely, excessively oily; It can also be acne, hyperpigmentation and other cosmetic defects.

Problematic skin can be identified by several external signs, namely:

  • itching and peeling;
  • pimples and blackheads;
  • unhealthy tone;
  • enlarged pores;
  • greasy shine;
  • excessive dryness;
  • inflammation;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity;
  • early wrinkles.

Most of these manifestations can be observed not only during puberty, but also in adulthood. There are many reasons for this: the influence of external factors, hormonal imbalances, stress, poor nutrition, and the use of inappropriate skincare products. Also, skin problems can signal the presence of more serious diseases in the body.

All of the above signs can also indicate dehydrated skin. The first symptoms of moisture loss are a feeling of tightness after washing and flaking (especially typical for dry type ), increased sebum secretion (for oily dermis), acne outbreaks. The use of moisturizing substances and generally proper care will help correct the situation.

Moisturizing problematic facial skin: what you need to know

First of all, if skin defects appear, you should contact a cosmetologist to correctly determine their cause. Often, in order to develop competent tactics for eliminating internal problems, you have to resort to the help of other specialists: an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist and others.

Only after this will the cosmetologist be able to create a care program for problematic facial skin that is suitable for each specific case. As a rule, therapy begins with hydration. Dehydrated dermis quickly loses its protective functions and needs to restore its moisture balance.

To do this, when carrying out daily care procedures, you must follow several basic steps:

  1. Cleansing. Oddly enough, water is not the best helper for dehydrated skin. With the dry type, washing with soap and water will only make the problem worse. For cleansing, you should choose soft milk or gel. They should not contain alkali, alcohol, aggressive acids, abrasives and other substances that will only cause even greater irritation. Products should delicately cleanse the epidermis, removing dirt and excess fat without damaging the hydrolipid mantle.
  2. Toning. Using a toner after removing makeup completes the cleansing procedure, refreshes and evens out the pH of the skin, preparing it for further hydration.
  3. Moisturizing. At this stage, they resort to the help of serums and concentrates - they are applied daily. Cosmetologists recommend using moisturizing masks once or twice a week. Masks allow you to achieve deep cleansing and moisturizing, narrowing pores and reducing sebum production.
  4. Nutrition. The final stage of the care procedure is the use of day/night cream, emulsion or gel. The compositions are applied with gentle movements along the massage lines of the face and neck.

Cream, like other products, is recommended to be chosen with a light texture and in accordance with your skin type. A wide variety of moisturizing products from leading cosmetic brands is presented in the IDN Cosmetics online store. Our specialists will help you choose the optimal care at an affordable price and with guaranteed results.

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