
Reviews (2)
Price: $47

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Price: $47

Price: $32

Price: $184

Price: $24

Price: $121

Price: $55

Price: $32

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Price: $47

Price: $40

Price: $19

Price: $24

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Price: $519
  • Reviews about Eyelid skin care

    Людмила Еременко 01/31/2025

    Ebrand Eye Cream


    Приємний крем, задоволена, насправді зменшує чорні кола під очима, дуже добре впливає на шкіру повік

      Олеся Красіна 01/31/2025

      Anna Lotan Eye Contour Under MakeUp Eye & Neck Cream


      Дуже приємна основа, незгортається, весь день відмінній вид

        Кристина Ю. 01/24/2025

        Obagi Medical Nu-Cil Eyelash Enhancing Serum


        дает хороший результат, спасибо

          Agnieszka 01/17/2025

          Valmont V-Firm Eye


          bardzo piękna butelka, krem ​​również jest dobry, skóra stała się znacznie lepsza od pierwszych dni stosowania


            Skin care around the eyelids is an important process to keep this area in good condition. Even young girls can face common skin problems around the eyelids - darkening under the eyes, excessive dryness, and even the early appearance of fine wrinkles.

            The skin around the eyelids is quite capricious, and to properly care for it you need to select special products that will take into account its structural features and functioning.

            You can order and buy such cosmetics in the online store of high-quality Israeli cosmetics IDN Cosmetics. We offer only original cosmetics from the best Israeli manufacturers at low prices.

            The skin of the eyelids is an area of ​​special care

            The skin around the eyelids is the most sensitive. Perhaps this is why the first signs of aging appear in this area. The following important features of the skin of the eyelids are highlighted:

            1. It is very thin. The thin epidermis and the almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat make the skin of the eyelids thin and translucent - this is also reflected in its color, which can easily transition from normal to dark blue or purple.
            2. She is sensitive. For the same reason - the absence of subcutaneous fat and some glands - this skin remains extremely vulnerable to external factors: ultraviolet radiation, low air humidity.

            These features dictate the basic rules for caring for such skin: intensive nutrition and hydration.

            Features of choice and composition of cosmetics for the area around the eyes

            The use of conventional face creams in this area is unacceptable - they are designed for skin of normal thickness and with normal metabolism, while the skin in the area around the eyes is extremely thin and practically does not produce any protective secretion.

            Cosmetics for this area should be primarily nutritious - extracts of some plants and natural antioxidants effectively replenish the balance of nutrients in the skin and give it a healthier appearance.

            In addition, with age, the skin of the eyelids needs tightening. A good lifting effect will eliminate fine wrinkles and prolong the youth of the face.

            To combat the feeling of fatigue around the eyes, products containing caffeine and vitamins are well suited - they tone the skin in this area and prevent the appearance of purple circles under the eyes.

            And finally, the skin around the eyelids needs to constantly maintain its elasticity - otherwise wrinkles will begin to form, and the skin itself begins to slide down with age. Products with collagen, coenzyme-10 and natural extracts will perfectly help prevent such phenomena.

            The best cosmetics for the skin around the eyes

            Israeli cosmetics are considered the gold standard of quality for such products, because unique formulas with extracts of Israeli plants, Dead Sea minerals and active substances tested in laboratory conditions effectively cope with all skin problems in the area around the eyes.

            The active substances in such products are caffeine, antioxidant vitamins C, A, and E, anti-aging peptides, and hyaluronic acid.

            In the assortment of the IDN Cosmetics online store you can order and buy Israeli cosmetics for the skin around the eyes at low prices. We cooperate with manufacturers directly and supply their original products to Ukraine:

            • Christina;
            • PHD;
            • ADN;
            • Hikari;
            • Holy Land;
            • GiGi;
            • Magiray;
            • Renew;
            • Kart.

            We guarantee originality of products and low prices for high-quality cosmetics.

            How to order and buy Israeli cosmetics for the skin around the eyes with delivery to Ukraine?

            You can order and buy high-quality cosmetics from the best Israeli manufacturers at low prices in the IDN Cosmetics online store. Delivery is carried out to Dnepr, Kharkov, Lvov, Kyiv, Odessa, and any other city in Ukraine with working postal service branches (Nova Poshta, Ukrposhta).

            Delivery is possible by Nova Poshta or UkrPoshta to any open branch in Dnieper, Kyiv, Kharkov, Lviv, Odessa, and other cities of Ukraine.

            We accept Visa and MasterCard cards from any Ukrainian bank, as well as payments through the Privat24 system.

            Frequently Asked Questions

            Почему нужно отдельно ухаживать за кожей вокруг глаз?

            Она тонкая и склонна к быстрым морщинам.

            Какие средства лучше использовать для век?

            Специальные кремы или гели с мягкой формулой.

            Как правильно наносить крем под глаза?

            Мягкими похлопывающими движениями кончиками пальцев, не растягивая кожу.