
Reviews (2)
Price: $66

Reviews (2)
Price: $36

Reviews (1)
Price: $77
  • Reviews about Alba Control

    Оксана 11/09/2024

    PHD Alba Control Depigmenting Mask


    Добре відбілює плями, зробила три процедурі,колір шкіри став значно рівнішій

      Катерина 03/18/2024

      PHD Alba Control Depigmenting Liquid Soap


      Да, нет ощущения сухости и стянутости, очень мягко чищает

        Ксения 01/09/2023

        PHD Alba Control Depigmenting Serum

        Отличная отбеливающее средство

        Купила эту сыворотку, после того, как на лице начали появляться небольшие пигментные пятна, пользуюсь недолго, но уже вижу

          Светлана 01/09/2023

          PHD Alba Control Depigmenting Liquid Soap

          Лечебное мыло

          Думала, если мыло - то будет подсушивать кожу. Оказалось, что абсолютно не сушит - кожа после него становится приятной на ощупь, мягкой. Также при регулярном использовании (я уже пользуюсь более месяца) немного выравнивает тон лица.



            Pharma Dermacosmetics Alba Control is a series of products designed to whiten skin and eliminate post-acne. The cosmetics contain whitening components and substances that are designed to soothe the skin after deep cleansing. You can inexpensively order and buy cosmetics from Israel on the IDN Cosmetics website.

            Professional lightening with PHD Alba Control cosmetics

            The products in the series are developed based on antioxidants and oligoelements. These components create comprehensive skin care by binding free radicals on its surface. This quickly improves the condition of the skin and also prevents the appearance and proliferation of pathogens. Alba Control preparations are also created for the skin:

            • soothing effect, which is suitable for post-peeling care;
            • reduction of pigmentation of freckles, post-acne and age spots such as melasma and chloasma;
            • reducing signs of vascular inflammation by strengthening the vascular wall - antioxidants and minerals reduce its permeability.

            This cosmetics does not irritate the skin, so it can also be purchased for use on sensitive areas of the body. This lightening will be gentle even for those with sensitive skin due to the presence of soothing and anti-inflammatory components. Among them:

            • titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which strengthen the vascular wall and protect the skin;
            • panthenol, which reduces inflammation;
            • tocopherol with its pronounced antioxidant effect;
            • extracts of currant, cranberry, rosemary and emblica, which are effective for getting rid of pigment spots such as melasma and chloasma, as well as for lightening freckles.

            The series includes a treatment mask, soap and facial serum. These drugs combine well with the lines for peeling and high-quality skin renewal.

            Where to inexpensively order and buy Israeli cosmetics PHD Alba Control in Ukraine?

            You can buy and order the Alba Control line at an affordable price on the IDN Cosmetics website. Our online store arranges delivery of cosmetics from Israel to Kharkov, Odessa, Kyiv and Dnepr.