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  • Reviews about For hair

    Miya 02/02/2025

    Lee Stafford Argan Oil from Morocco Deep Nourishing Treatment Mask


    Maska działa bardzo dobrze, moje włosy po zabiegu są piękne.

      Birgit 02/01/2025

      Dr. Medion Head SPA Shampoo


      Właśnie wypróbowuję szampon, mam nadzieję, że zmniejszy wypadanie włosów. Dziękuję za zniżki

        Таня 01/29/2025

        Davroe Chroma Rose Quartz


        прикольный оттенок на светлые волосы

          Валерия А. 01/28/2025

          HeadShock Plex System Styling Hair Serum


          Реально очень хорошо помогает при уклаке, волос шелковый и хорошо блестит, рекмендую


            Hair, like skin, needs constant care. At the same time, in most cases, the cosmetic effect is not enough even for healthy hair - it needs professional care and problem solving, not masking it. Split ends, excessive fluffiness of hair, as well as its fragility, can be solved both from the inside - by taking a sufficient amount of vitamins, and by using high-quality medicinal products. In particular, scalp care also plays an important role.

            Hair products from Israeli manufacturers combine the most effective and safe ingredients in their formulas so that you can get professional natural hair care at affordable prices.

            You can order and buy professional hair cosmetics with direct delivery from Israel to Odessa, Kharkov, Lviv, Kyiv, Dnepr, Lviv and other cities of Ukraine. IDN Cosmetics offers low prices and good delivery costs for ordered products.

            Benefits of Israeli hair cosmetics at IDN Cosmetics

            Those who are already familiar with cosmetic products from Israel know their advantages well:

            1. Natural and safe ingredients. Such cosmetics are created in scientific laboratories, and some compositions are patented by manufacturers after many studies. The combination of natural ingredients and highly active substances allows you to create unique healing formulas.
            2. Affordable price. Despite the premium segment of most Israeli cosmetics brands, the prices of their products remain low compared to other brands from the premium segment.
            3. High quality cosmetics. All Israeli manufacturers create their cosmetics in their own laboratories, often using their own patents. Such products must undergo certification by the Israeli Ministry of Health, as well as international certification.

            When using Israeli hair products, the effect sometimes becomes noticeable after the first use - depending on the product, thorough cleansing of the hair and scalp is ensured, saturation with beneficial vitamins and minerals, as well as active restoration of the hair structure.

            High-quality brands of hair cosmetics from Israel in assortment

            The online store of Israeli cosmetics IDN Cosmetics offers hair products from popular manufacturers:

            • Kart;
            • Holy Land;
            • Christina;
            • Anna Lotan;
            • Hikari;
            • Dr. Kadir;
            • Haviva Rivkin;
            • GiGi;
            • PHD;
            • Leorex;
            • Tapuach;
            • Magiray.

            The range includes products to solve many problems. There are gels and peels for the scalp that provide gentle but thorough cleansing and regulate sebum production. There are effective shampoos, balms, fluids and conditioners that add volume, shine, and strengthen the hair structure.

            This cosmetics has both medicinal and cosmetic properties. For example, professional hair masks strengthen and nourish hair, making curls more elastic. Hair serums add shine, while peels and cocktails have a healing effect, preventing the formation of dandruff.

            How to order and buy cosmetics from Israel with delivery in Kyiv and Ukraine?

            The assortment of the Israeli cosmetics online store IDN Cosmetics is rich in high-quality hair products: professional shampoos, masks and serums from leading Israeli manufacturers. Order these cosmetics any day of the week - our manager will quickly call you back during business hours to confirm the order and clarify delivery details. Our support works every day, except Israeli weekends - Friday and Saturday.

            We deliver orders to Ukraine by Nova Poshta and UkrPoshta - in the first case, it is possible to track the parcel throughout the country. Delivery is available to Kharkov, Kyiv, Dnepr, Lviv, Odessa, as well as other cities of Ukraine where there is an open post office.

            Visa and MasterCard cards from any Ukrainian bank are accepted for payment, as well as online payment through the Privat24 service.

            Choose high-quality care for your hair directly from a warehouse in Israel - with IDN Cosmetics you always have access to hair cosmetics from the best Israeli manufacturers.

            Frequently Asked Questions

            Как выбрать шампунь и кондиционер, подходящие для моего типа волос?

            Выбирайте средства, специально разработанные для вашего типа волос. Читайте этикетки и обращайте внимание на активные ингредиенты, которые решают ваши конкретные проблемы.

            Как определить свой тип волос и кожи головы?

            Тип волос и кожи головы может быть жирным, сухим, нормальным или комбинированным. Определить его можно по частоте загрязнения волос, наличию перхоти и общей структуре волос.

            Какие средства помогут восстановить поврежденные и ломкие волосы?

            Используйте маски с кератином, протеинами и натуральными маслами. Регулярное применение восстановит структуру волос и придаст им блеск.