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    Meso-cocktails for the face are special preparations that are used to carry out a cosmetic procedure called mesotherapy.

    This term was introduced by the French physician Michel Pistor; the method was first described in detail by him in the Medical Press magazine in the late fifties of the last century. And although injection therapy had been used experimentally before him, it was Dr. Pistor who was one of the first to learn how to provide a therapeutic effect in this way on those places that are closest to the source of the disease.

    The essence of modern mesotherapy is injection stimulation of the skin. Injections can be administered in different ways depending on the type of problem to be solved. Accordingly, clinical and aesthetic mesotherapy require different drugs. Cocktails are selected individually for each patient, and therefore vary in price.

    Mesotherapy: rarely, little and in the right place

    These three principles are the basis of the method. This is precisely the definition given to him by Michel Pistor. And today facial procedures are carried out by cosmetologists taking into account the same recommendations:

    • rarely - the full course is performed no more than once every six months;
    • small - the volumes of administered active substances are very small and the same for each injection;
    • to the right place - the principle of locality allows you to achieve the desired effect by stimulating skin receptors at one level and launching the necessary processes that contribute to the restoration and rejuvenation of the skin.

    The scope of mesotherapy is quite extensive. In aesthetic cosmetology, this procedure is one of the top most popular techniques for preventing skin aging and moisturizing it, eliminating atrophic scars, combating hyperpigmentation and other skin problems associated with age-related changes. In addition, the affordable cost with the pronounced effect of injections is an additional advantage of mesotherapy.

    Here is a list of the main indications for facial mesotherapy:

    • age-related and hormonal changes: wrinkles, decreased tone, elasticity and firmness;
    • rosacea and rosacea;
    • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
    • pigment spots;
    • dry or too oily skin;
    • acne and acne;
    • scars and scars of various etiologies;
    • local fat deposits.

    Mesotherapy drugs can also be purchased when faster tissue restoration is required after plastic surgery, chemical and mechanical peeling.

    Don’t forget about the presence of contraindications:

    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • blood clotting disorder;
    • oncological diseases;
    • allergy to substances included in cocktails;
    • presence of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body;
    • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
    • cardiovascular and renal pathologies;
    • tendency to grow connective tissue at the site of skin damage;
    • low pain threshold.

    The cosmetologist must notify the patient in advance about all the features of the procedure, as well as learn about factors under which mesotherapy may be contraindicated.

    Varieties of meso cocktails

    There are several types of classification of cocktails for mesotherapy. To understand which drug you need to buy, you need to know the features of the action of the active substances in the composition of the products and the purpose of the procedure itself.

    In the online store "IDN Cosmetics" you can order high-quality Israeli cosmetic products from top brands. We deliver from Israel at a fixed price not only to large cities such as Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov and Dnepr, but also to small towns in Ukraine where there are branches of Nova Poshta or Ukrposhta.

    The product range includes both meso-cocktails, which are completely ready for use (the so-called mono-preparations), and products that can be mixed to prepare an individual cocktail designed to solve a specific patient problem.

    Drugs also differ in the type of effect on the skin. They are rejuvenating and therapeutic.

    Therapeutic meso-cocktails contain substances whose action is mainly aimed at improving local blood circulation. Effective in the fight against comedones, swelling, and various skin defects. The composition may contain antiseptic substances and, if necessary, antibiotics. The product should be selected by a professional cosmetologist depending on the diagnosed problem.

    Rejuvenating cocktails are designed to revitalize the face. Procedures can begin after 25–30 years. They stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin in the dermis. How much a product costs depends primarily on its composition. It is also worth considering the fact that prices for drugs with similar types of effects may differ between different brands.

    Main components of mesotherapy cocktails

    Israeli skin care products are famous for their natural ingredients, and the products are relatively inexpensive. If we talk about meso-cocktails, they usually contain active and auxiliary substances. The former, in fact, fight the problem, the latter improve microcirculation for the transport of active substances.

    Modern cosmetology knows many cocktail recipes. The cosmetologist selects the desired meso-cocktail based on the desired effect, as well as the individual characteristics of the client. Its price will depend on the composition of the drug.

    The list of the most common active ingredients for cocktails looks like this:

    1. Hyaluronic acid is a synthesized substance that helps the skin retain moisture, making it considered the best moisturizer.
    2. Collagen and elastin - these proteins are responsible for preserving the youth of the skin, ensuring its firmness, elasticity and ability to regenerate.
    3. Plant extracts are natural components that are obtained from medicinal plants. They have a gentle effect on the skin as antioxidants, moisturizers, help cope with inflammation, etc.
    4. Vitamins - meso-cocktails for the face usually contain B vitamins, retinol, ascorbic acid, D, E, K, PP and H, which improve the condition of the epidermis and dermis.
    5. Amino acids are structural elements necessary for the body that contribute to the normalization of protective functions, as well as regenerative processes.
    6. Minerals - improve metabolic processes at the cellular level (phosphorus, zinc, selenium, silicon are most common).
    7. Medicines are selected based on medical indications to achieve a therapeutic effect.

    It is worth noting that among the top most popular cosmetic procedures, biorevitalization occupies a leading position. It is an injection of hyaluronic acid-based products. Such aesthetic manipulations often have a lower cost, which is due to the composition of the drugs and the smaller number of required procedures compared to mesotherapy.

    How to order and buy meso cocktails in Ukraine

    The IDN Cosmetics website presents the best cosmetic brands in Israel. The product range also includes preparations for mesotherapy. To buy the right product, carefully study the composition, make sure that all the components suit you and how much the product costs.

    Delivery will be inexpensive, the price of shipping within Ukraine is calculated according to the tariffs of the postal company. You can receive goods from IDN Cosmetics at any Nova Poshta branch in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr and other localities in the country.