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  • Reviews about CELLCOSMET

    Света 05/10/2024

    Cellcosmet Concentrated Cream


    Крем понравился, сужает поры хорошо

      Марина 04/29/2024

      Cellcosmet Concentrated Cream


      Результат виден уже через неделю, я довольна очень.

        Женя 03/19/2024

        Cellcosmet Cellmen Wash N'Shave


        Все понравилось, сасибо

          Кристина 02/07/2024

          Cellcosmet CellTeint


          Я довольна, ровный, приятный цвет лица такой стал, гладенькая кожа, морщинки мелкие уменьшаются, кожа как бы начинает сиять изнутри!


            Cellcosmet & Cellmen — is a Swiss cosmeceutical brand that specializes in the development and production of cellular cosmetics. This term is applicable to products containing active stabilized biointegral cells. In other words, these products help skin cells function the way they did when they were young. The result is obvious - slowing down aging and intense rejuvenation.

            IDN Cosmetics will help you to verify the miraculous effect of Cellcosmet products. Here you can buy top Cellcosmet cosmetics and order inexpensive delivery to Kyiv, Dnipro, Lvov, Kharkiv, Odessa and other parts of Ukraine. How much each product costs is indicated in its description. On the site, you can set up the display of prices in a currency convenient for you (USD, EUR or UAH).

            IDN Cosmetics helps thousands of women around the world to buy quality cosmetics at affordable prices and enjoy using them.

            How cellular cosmetics from Switzerland works

            Switzerland is the birthplace of cellular technology. Initially, in the 1930s, such therapy was used only for medical purposes. And only decades later, in 1987, the Cellap laboratory, led by Roland K. Pfister, developed a method that made it possible to obtain cell extracts and preserve their activity for a long time. The year 1997 was marked by a new discovery for the laboratory: active cell extracts were obtained using biotechnology.

            A distinctive feature of the Cellcosmet brand is the production of products that take into account such factors as the physiological age and hormonal characteristics of the skin of women and men. Therefore, revitalizing agents of different Selkosmet lines have different concentrations of active components.

            The principle of action of cellular extracts is based on the fact that these substances are identical in their properties to young skin cells of the human body. In other words, they contain information about youth and transmit it to the surrounding tissues. As a result, the cells of the body itself are charged with energy, their performance increases. This is the process of rejuvenation.

            Some series of Cellcosmet cosmetics, in addition to cellular ingredients, contain phytobiocomplexes. Flower extracts, essential oils and sea minerals are added to the composition. In general, all brand products can be divided into three groups:

            • Cytocosmeceuticals - lines contain cell complexes with a concentration of 2.5% to 20% and more. Aimed at rejuvenation and anti-aging effects, help restore the natural functions of the skin.
            • Phytocosmeceuticals — herbal and marine ingredients predominate in the composition, which contribute to the healing of the skin.
            • Cyto-Phyto-Cosmeceuticals are lines of products that combine cellular and phyto-components for comprehensive care.

            The price of Swiss facial and body skin care is quite high. But customers can be sure of the highest quality of each Cellcosmet product, the safety and effectiveness of which are confirmed by numerous clinical trials. The considerable cost is also explained by the limited volumes of annually produced products.

            Where to buy Cellcosmet in Ukraine

            If you are looking for high-quality cosmetics and cosmeceuticals in Ukraine, contact IDN Cosmetics consultants for help. We will help you choose the best skin care series. We have a large selection of different products from well-known world brands at an affordable cost.

            You can order the delivery of cosmetic products to Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Kharkov, Lviv and anywhere in the country where there are postal services. How much shipping costs depends on the rates of postal operators.