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  • Reviews about MEDICARE COSMETICS

    Оксана 09/27/2024

    Medicare Omega-GPS Carboxy System


    Набор восхитительный, уже со второй процедуры кожа значительно лучше выглядит!

      Галина 09/15/2024

      Medicare Hyal-Pro Nucleolift


      Работает, очень довольна!

        Вика 09/14/2024

        Medicare Cleanse Mousse Instant Perfection


        Хорошая пенка, не сушит, хорошо снимает макияж. Немного жирная, но моей коже подошла идеально. Рекомендую.

          Даша 07/24/2024

          Medicare Acne-Pro Carboxy System


          Я довольна, за три недели сыпь значительно уменьшилась, спасибо


            Medicare — one of the most famous brands of German cosmetics. In 2012, at the German Research Center of the University of Nuremberg, a group of cosmetologists and pharmacologists, led by Professor Günther Müller, began work on a new line of professional skin care products.

            To buy affordable products of various lines and series of this company, use the opportunities of IDN Cosmetics. In our catalogue you can find out the price of the product you are interested in in Ukrainian and US currencies. Affordable cost of the service and high speed of delivery in major cities of Ukraine, such as Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Kharkov, Lviv, will allow you to use the ordered skin healing products in the near future.

            The cosmeceutical potential of Medicare funds

            The most famous technology of the company is carboxytherapy. It allows you to achieve a number of goals:

            • resist age-related changes by regenerating the extracellular matrix — collagen and elastin;
            • restore top layer of skin;
            • activate the metabolism and respiration of skin cells;
            • normalize the sebaceous glands.

            To order the series you need products, carefully study its description in the IDN catalog cosmetics. There you can also find out how much each drug costs.

            Medicare Brand Range

            Among the company's products, you can find two lines that provide complex carboxytherapy:

            • Probiotic series — preparations combine acids and probiotics to activate cellular respiration and create a shield from the skin's own microflora.
            • Intense Carboxy System Series — these products contain α and β acids, enzymes to nourish the skin and cleanse it of toxins.

            For recovery after oxygenating carboxytherapy procedures, it is recommended to use German-made Medicare active serums. Due to the size range of active ingredients from 7 to 15 myrons, they are characterized by a high level of bioavailability, which allows you to get a lasting and effective result.

            Where to buy German Medicare cosmetics

            You can buy Medicare professional cosmetics for skin care in the online store IDN Cosmetics. We also have products at various prices from other leading European, American and Asian brands.

            If you need delivery to Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Kharkov, Lviv, as well as to other cities of Ukraine, you can order it through our website. The price of transportation is determined by the cost of services of the selected postal operator. IDN Cosmetics helps thousands of women from all over the world to buy quality cosmetics at affordable prices and enjoy using them.