Very dry facial skin - what to do at home

Posted By: Elena K 17 October 2022


Dry facial skin types are always prone to sensitivity. This causes various problems: a feeling of tightness, frequent irritation and redness. Moreover, dry skin can show the first signs of aging earlier - especially if it is not cared for according to its needs.

Aging, sensitivity, dryness and tightness - all owners of dry skin face this. Knowing the characteristics and needs of this type, you can choose good care that can ensure a healthy appearance.

Features of dry facial skin

Dry skin is precisely a type of skin. Some people may experience dryness, but sooner or later it goes away. Those with dry skin type live with it all their lives.

The main characteristic of this type includes a lack of moisture within the skin itself, as well as insufficient sebum production. At the same time, even a sufficiently moistened dry-type epidermis remains sensitive and quickly “dries out” - the key role in this is played by insufficient sebum production by the sebaceous glands.

An interesting fact: even problematic and oily skin can be dry - an excess of sebum in the absence of a sufficient amount of moisture “inside” becomes the cause of rashes and peeling. At the same time, the skin type remains oily - only dehydration appears.

The most accurate way to determine your skin type is to see a cosmetologist. However, if you don’t want to plan a new visit, you can do a small test at home.

The more of the following statements that describe your skin, the more likely you are to have a dry skin type:

  • skin seems thin and sensitive;
  • pores practically do not appear;
  • there is never an oily sheen or “radiant” skin effect;
  • rashes such as pimples and blackheads appear extremely rarely;
  • there is often a feeling of tightness.

Why skin may be dry:

  • hereditary factor;
  • frequent exposure to the sun and rapid occurrence of burns;
  • inadequate care, which causes the skin to dry out faster;
  • atopic dermatitis is an inherited condition that cannot be cured, but its course can be controlled.

For dry skin, care is most important - it must be selected strictly for this type and its characteristics.

Basic care for dry skin

In adolescence, those with a dry type can even be called lucky: rashes practically do not appear, the tone remains even, and there is no oily sheen or enlarged pores. However, with the onset of the aging process, all these benefits are offset by high sensitivity, roughness, and a feeling of tightness.

To overcome these unpleasant sensations and maintain the healthy appearance of this capricious skin type, you need to follow basic care rules.

Makeup removal is the first stage of care, which should never be skipped. After this, it is recommended to wash your face with soft water - ordinary tap water is not suitable for this, so dermatologists often recommend washing your face with drinking or mineral water. Deeper cleansing eliminates the use of aggressive peels and scrubs with large particles - it is recommended to use only light superficial peels and scrubs with small abrasive particles.

Moisturizing is the most important step for this skin type. After toning with an alcohol-free product, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing serum, and then a moisturizer. Special attention should be paid to the skin around the eyes - in this area it is especially thin and sensitive, so regular face cream is not suitable for it.

Retinol, as well as acids in high concentrations, are practically contraindicated among the ingredients. For additional hydration, dermatologists recommend keeping your body hydrated and drinking enough water per day.

Masks are suitable for such skin in a variety of ways - moisturizing, nourishing, and toning will be useful. You can alternate and experiment with them, but the main thing is not to forget about a high-quality moisturizer.

Finally, nutrition and protection are especially important for dry skin. Nutrition is provided by night creams rich in fats and amino acids. Such products are involved in restoring the lipid barrier and evenly deliver nutrients to the skin.

UV protection is recommended at any time of the year, as well as a rich cream in cold or windy weather. SPF cream should be applied in the morning, and it should not have a too thick texture. If you do not have atopic dermatitis or increased photosensitivity, a cream with SPF 25-30 will be sufficient. In summer, under direct sunlight, it is better to choose SPF 30-50 - such products provide protection from sun rays longer.

Seasonal care for dry skin

With each season, new challenges arise for dry skin. For this reason, seasonal care for this skin type varies depending on weather conditions.


In winter, the main problem is sudden changes in temperature and humidity (it’s frosty and windy outside, warm and very dry inside). For dry skin in winter, it is better to choose thicker creams, as well as effective and nourishing serums. Nourishing masks will also be useful, but it is recommended to avoid peelings, or do them very rarely.


In spring, winds persist, and closer to the middle of the season, more intense exposure to sunlight begins. The main emphasis is on caring for the skin of the lips and around the eyes, as well as sun protection. It is better to choose a face cream according to the weather - when it is windy, you should choose denser textures and richer formulas, and in pleasant windless weather - lighter products.


Summer sun is the main enemy of dry skin. In addition to the basic rules of protection from ultraviolet radiation (do not be in the open sun, protect your skin with clothing, your head with a hat, and your eyes with glasses), it is also recommended to choose reliable cream with SPF. If desired, you can choose a foundation with sun filters in the composition. In case you do get a sunburn, you should always have aloe vera gel or cream on hand - it has a good soothing and moisturizing effect.


For autumn, you should leave a small supply of sunscreen, and also pay attention to nourishing and moisturizing masks. Temperature and humidity changes associated with weather variability require maximum preparedness for anything.

Choosing cosmetics for dry skin

The simplest and most obvious rule of choice is to buy cosmetics that indicate their purpose for dry skin.

It is recommended to avoid retinol, alcohol, aggressive surfactants, and clay as ingredients. All these components dry out the skin greatly, leading to irritation and peeling.

Thus, the composition should focus on protective and moisturizing ingredients: ceramides, coenzyme-10, UV protection factors, hyaluronic acid, aloe juice.

For skin renewal and effective but safe exfoliation, light superficial peels with low concentrations of fruit acids are suitable.

Some popular brands have created separate lines for the care of dry skin types.

Dr. Kadir

Dr. Kadir in the Hyalu-Ron series presents several intensely moisturizing creams for the face, as well as sensitive areas around the eyes. The main active component in the serums and creams of the series is hyaluronic acid, which effectively fills dry skin with moisture.

PHD Calmafine

The Calmafine series is designed specifically for the care of dry and damaged skin. It includes soothing, moisturizing and strengthening products - creams, tonics, gels and ointments.

Regular and proper care for dry skin types slows down its aging and maintains a healthy appearance. The main thing is to understand the characteristics of your skin and care for it in accordance with them.

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