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  • Reviews about Sensitive skin care

    Мариша 02/10/2025

    Ebrand Soothing Face Mask


    Спасибо за консультацию, все получила. Маска понравилась, с первой процедуры ушла краснота и шелушение

      Оксана И. 02/05/2025

      ADN Derma Red Mask


      Да, очень эффективная маска, спасибо за консультацию

        Ana María 02/01/2025

        Medex Ampoules Neuropeptide


        Las ampollas son muy buenas, hay menos brotes, la irritación ha desaparecido por completo, la piel se ha vuelto suave.

          Ирина 01/26/2025

          Dr. Kadir Biome-Calmine Serum


          Быстро восстанавливает и омолаживает кожу, пользуюсь две недели, хороший результат, спасибо за консультацию


            Sensitive skin is a rather difficult skin type to care for. Such delicate skin requires special protection and hydration, and the characteristics of the dermis suggest a tendency to inflammation and irritation.

            Fortunately, modern cosmeceuticals have created many successful formulas of medicinal products that gently and carefully care for such skin. You can order and buy such products in the IDN Cosmetics online store. In addition to direct delivery of original products from Israeli manufacturers to Ukraine, with us you also get affordable prices for these products.

            Sensitive skin is a type with special needs

            Sensitive skin is primarily dry. This means that all irritation, redness and peeling most often occur against the background of dry dermis. At the same time, dryness is characteristic of even oily skin types - despite the active production of sebum, such skin remains without moisture under a layer of sebum, due to which sensitivity can also develop.

            The most common manifestation of skin sensitivity is redness. They may appear as a reaction to certain substances (in this case, mild itching may also be felt). Sensitive skin is also prone to flaking.

            Due to these features, sensitive skin requires special care, and most importantly, restoration of the lipid barrier, which normally naturally protects the skin from the negative effects of aggressive substances and harmful temperatures.

            Proper care for sensitive skin

            Care for sensitive skin should first of all be gentle. This means that for cleansing you need to use only gentle products with the appropriate consistency - mousses are best, but you can also use milk for washing. The main thing is that the product does not contain an alcohol base or other drying components, otherwise the sensitivity problem may worsen.

            It is important to actively moisturize such skin - various masks, creams and serums are suitable for this. But in most cases you should refrain from peeling - if there is a need for such a procedure, the cosmetologist should choose the most gentle formula and take into account your skin type.

            Nutritional care is responsible for protecting the lipid barrier - these can also be masks and serums, but there are also special creams. The main thing is not to apply such products in too large quantities, because there is a risk of increasing the skin’s sensitivity to active substances and even clogging pores.

            Choosing products to care for sensitive skin

            Creams, serums, masks, gentle washing, protection and nutrition - this is the basis for high-quality and gentle care for sensitive facial skin. For such dermis, it is worth choosing gentle formulas without aggressive substances.

            At the same time, peptide products, products with collagen, as well as skincare cosmetics with ceramides will be useful - in this case, not only a therapeutic, but also a cosmetic effect is achieved. You also need to check the composition of the product for the presence of allergens, if you are allergic - applying a composition with such substances will worsen the skin condition.

            In the assortment of the online store of Israeli cosmetics IDN Cosmetics, you can order and buy original products for the care of sensitive skin from well-known Israeli manufacturers at affordable prices:

            • Hikari;
            • Holy Land;
            • Anna Lotan;
            • ADN;
            • Renew;
            • Christina

            ...and other brands.

            Where to order and buy Israeli cosmetics for the care of sensitive skin with delivery to Ukraine?

            You can order and buy high-quality cosmetics from Israeli manufacturers at low prices in the IDN Cosmetics online store. Delivery is carried out to Dnepr, Kharkov, Lvov, Kyiv, Odessa, and any other city in Ukraine with working postal service branches (Nova Poshta, Ukrposhta).

            Delivery takes three to five weeks.

            Frequently Asked Questions

            Как определить, что кожа чувствительная?

            Она бурно реагирует на смену средств и температуры, часто краснеет.

            Каких компонентов стоит избегать?

            Агрессивных кислот, спирта, отдушек, крупных абразивов.

            Как протестировать новое средство?

            Нанести немного на небольшой участок (например, на запястье) и подождать сутки.