
Reviews (2)
Price: $36

Reviews (1)
Price: $51

Reviews (2)
Price: $36
  • Reviews about PHD Acure

    Ольга 01/09/2023

    PHD Acure Therapeutic Cream UVA&UVB with SPF20

    Классный крем!

    Справляется со своей задачей на100%! ) Хорошо увлажняет и успокаивает кожу, уменьшились высыпания, покраснения, кожа стала более гладкой, нет так жирнится.

      Катя 01/09/2023

      PHD Acure Therapeutic Gel

      Эффективный гель

      Средство действенное. Уже после нескольких использований виден результат, большой плюс, что в отличие от средств других марок не сушит

        Ирина 01/09/2023

        PHD Acure Therapeutic Mask

        Классная маска

        Отличная маска, прекрасно снимает воспаление, хорошо смывается. Лицо после нее становится бархатистым, поры сужаются - просто находка для жирной кожи с постоянными восполениями. Очень рекомендую

          Марина 01/10/2022

          PHD Acure Therapeutic Mask

          Довольна этой маской

          Хорошая лечебная маска для проблемной кожи. Пользуюсь ею почти месяц. Лицо стало выглядеть намного лучше. Жирного блеска нет. Прыщики появляться, но их стало намного меньше, да и заживают они быстрее.



            PHD Acure is a line of cosmetics from Israel, which is intended for the treatment and care of problem skin. The drugs in this series have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, and also stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. These effects are especially useful for acne and other acne problems. You can order and buy high-quality Israeli cosmetics with delivery to Ukraine in the IDN Cosmetics catalog.

            How does Israeli professional cosmetics PHD Acure work?

            Cosmetics from this line create a therapeutic effect due to natural active ingredients. Among them:

            • salicylic acid - dries damaged skin areas and also has antiseptic properties;
            • nicotinamide - normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has shown its effectiveness in the fight against acne;
            • vitamins A and E are natural antioxidants that neutralize harmful substances on the surface of the dermis;
            • natural oils and extracts that moisturize and cleanse the skin.

            Israeli cosmetics with this composition can be purchased to care for problem skin, rashes, rosacea and rosacea. The effects of the Acure line products are complex.

            • the vascular wall is strengthened, the appearance of blueness and redness such as rosacea and rosacea is prevented;
            • pores are narrowed and cleansed, which is especially important for the treatment of acne and blackheads of any origin;
            • inflammation and irritation are reduced;
            • The antibacterial effect prevents the appearance of new rashes.

            The line of care for problem skin from the Israeli company Pharma Dermacosmetics includes:

            1. Therapeutic mask for oily and problem skin. The action of the drug is based on antioxidants and oligoelements in the composition. The mask is easy to apply and quickly rinses off, leaving no irritation behind.
            2. Therapeutic gel for oily skin. It can be used as a spot treatment for acne at any age, starting from the age of nine.
            3. Moisturizing healing cream for oily, irritated and problematic skin. The main problem with oily skin is dehydration. This cream intensively moisturizes it and maintains its protective properties. Suitable for body and face.

            These drugs can be combined with products from other series.

            How to inexpensively order and buy Israeli PHD Acure cosmetics in Ukraine?

            Cosmetics from Pharma Dermacosmetics can be purchased at an affordable price on the IDN Cosmetics website. Delivery is possible to any locality in Ukraine - Dnieper, Kharkov, Kyiv, Odessa. We deliver all cosmetics from manufacturers from our warehouses in Israel so that you can order only original products.