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  • Reviews about From stretch marks

    Ирэн 02/07/2024

    Genosys Bodycell SM Eraser Cream


    Крем помог, пользуюсь уже месяц, а то послеродовые растяжки просто жесть были. Хороший результат. Продолжаю, спасибо за консультацию

      Лера 01/08/2024

      Genosys Bodycell SM Eraser Serum

      Девочки, реекомендую

      После родов растяжки жесть просто, вот месяц пользуюсь, кожа стала гораздо лучше и привлекательнее, спасибо



        Stretch mark remedies are specialized medications that help get rid of unsightly whitish lines on the body, also called stretch marks. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of such cosmetic defects on the skin, as well as various ways to get rid of them.

        Today, manufacturers of cosmeceutical products are ready to offer their customers both preparations that can be used independently at home, and professional products intended for cosmetic procedures in salons.

        Both products can be purchased in the IDN Cosmetics online store. Products from well-known world brands are of high quality and, in most cases, have a natural composition. Innovative formulas and modern active ingredients allow you to achieve a visible effect. At the same time, you have the opportunity to order any products inexpensively with delivery throughout Ukraine (to Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnieper and other settlements), as well as to other countries. Prices for each product are indicated in our electronic catalog, and delivery costs can be found when placing an order.

        Why stretch marks appear

        Both women and men of different ages can face problems such as stretch marks.

        Striae are the result of microtraumas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

        The main causes of stretch marks:

        • hormonal imbalance, including long-term use of hormonal drugs;
        • rapid weight gain or sharp weight loss - in this case, stretch marks will be mainly on the waist, abdomen, hips, buttocks and other places where fat is deposited;
        • increasing muscle mass, as a result of which athletes most often develop stretch marks in the shoulder girdle and hips;
        • pregnancy, in which tears can occur in women on the abdomen and thighs;
        • lactation after childbirth often leads to stretch marks on the chest due to the active formation of milk in the mammary glands;
        • intense growth or weight gain in childhood and adolescence;
        • genetic predisposition;
        • mechanical injuries or acne, which causes scars to remain on the skin.

        In addition, stretch marks may indicate the presence of various diseases, in particular diabetes.

        Since stretch marks themselves are not a disease, they do not require treatment. However, for many women, such a cosmetic defect on the body causes discomfort, which forces them to look for effective means to eliminate stretch marks that arise after pregnancy and childbirth or due to other reasons.

        Features of products for stretch marks

        The main factor that provokes the formation of stretch marks is a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin. Therefore, cosmetic products that are produced to combat this defect contain active ingredients whose action is aimed at restoring cell metabolism and tissue regeneration.

        The form of release of body care products may be different:

        • creams;
        • boosters and serums;
        • oils;
        • scrubs;
        • meso-cocktails for scar correction.

        Remedies for stretch marks, as a rule, contain not only collagen, but also natural oils, plant extracts, peptides, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, vitamin A and vitamin E, trace elements and fatty acids, antioxidants. These components help moisturize the skin, accelerate metabolism at the cellular level, and improve blood microcirculation.

        How to choose and use products for stretch marks

        The choice of cosmetics is a matter of individual preference. Some people prefer cream in consistency, while others prefer oil.

        Products are also divided according to their area of ​​use:

        • intended for the prevention of stretch marks - their effect is mainly aimed at moisturizing the skin, can be used, for example, during pregnancy;
        • drugs to eliminate existing stretch marks - trigger regeneration processes;
        • multifunctional products - work in several directions at once, often contain anti-cellulite complexes.

        It is important to pay due attention to the composition of cosmetics. It should not contain substances that can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, try to choose products made from natural ingredients.

        Buying cream is not everything. This cosmetics will be useful in combination with other measures: proper nutrition, physical activity, regular body care in the form of delicate exfoliation using peelings, scrubs or dry brushes, massage.

        It is also worth considering the fact that most creams on the market, regardless of their price, are effective only against recently appeared stretch marks (at the initial stage they have a reddish-purple color). White stripes (fully formed stretch marks) are much more difficult to remove; for this you will have to resort to cosmetic procedures.

        You can quickly and inexpensively order cosmetics for body, face and hair care at any time in the IDN Cosmetics online store. How much each drug costs is indicated in its description. The cost of delivery to Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepr, Odessa and other cities of Ukraine is determined by the tariffs of postal companies. You can also order the goods to be sent to other countries.