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  • Reviews about Hair oil

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        Шикарное масло

        Масло шикарное, волосы блестят и цвет совсем по другому заиграл, а то такие тусклые были, спасибо большое


          HAIR OILS

          Hair oil is an additional hair care that gives it shine, makes it easier to comb, and also simplifies styling. The result after using the oil looks no worse than professional care in a salon due to the composition rich in nutritional elements.

          The catalog of the IDN Cosmetics online store contains high-quality hair oils that you can order and buy inexpensively with timely delivery to Ukraine.

          What is hair oil used for?

          Hair oil has several important functions in daily care:

          • makes styling and combing easier;
          • restores damaged hair ends;
          • eliminates “fluffiness”;
          • saturates hair with nutrients;
          • gives your hair extra shine.

          Thus, the oil provides a comprehensive effect and creates a pronounced cosmetic effect: hair looks more well-groomed and smooth.

          What types of hair oils are there?

          These products contain argan, shea, avocado, and coconut oils. Each of these ingredients has its own density and performs a specific function. Thus, coconut oil and avocado oil are considered the most nutritious, while argan oil has the best moisturizing effect.

          In addition, there are products containing vegetable silicones - substances that create a light oily film on each hair, thereby protecting it from the harmful effects of environmental factors - for example, temperature and dry air.

          Where to order and buy hair oil in Kyiv and Ukraine?

          In the assortment of the IDN Cosmetics online store you will find professional hair oils that can be purchased at affordable prices and ordered with convenient delivery. We work directly with manufacturers, which allows us to guarantee product quality and offer better prices.

          For residents of Ukraine, including Kyiv, Odessa, Dnepr, Kharkov, Lviv and other cities, we offer delivery, which may take up to 5 weeks depending on the operational schedule of postal services. Shipping cost is $12. To track your order within Ukraine, you can use the Nova Poshta or UkrPoshta application.

          You can pay for your order in any convenient way: using Visa and MasterCard cards on our website, bank transfer or the Privat 24 system. We guarantee high quality products and a convenient ordering process.

          Frequently Asked Questions

          Какое масло лучше выбрать для сухих и ломких волос?

          Для сухих и ломких волос подходят питательные масла, такие как аргановое, кокосовое или масло ши. Они глубоко увлажняют и восстанавливают структуру волос. Выбирайте натуральные масла холодного отжима для максимальной эффективности.

          Можно ли использовать масло для волос при жирной коже головы?

          Да, но рекомендуется наносить масло только на кончики и длину волос, избегая корней. Используйте легкие масла, такие как масло жожоба или виноградных косточек. Это поможет увлажнить волосы без утяжеления кожи головы.

          Как правильно применять масло: до или после мытья головы?

          Масло можно использовать как до, так и после мытья. До мытья его наносят для глубокого питания и оставляют на 30-60 минут. После мытья небольшое количество масла наносится на влажные или сухие волосы для увлажнения и блеска.