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Price: $22
  • Reviews about Cosmetics with retinol

    Тамара Н. 01/25/2025

    Holy Land Alpha-Beta & Retinol Restoring Serum With Retinol


    Приятное действие, омолаживает, мелкие морщинки ушли

      Марина Р. 01/19/2025

      Obagi Medical Tretinoin Cream 0,05%


      Пользуюсь две недели, действительно высыпания уменьшились, состояние кожи более стабльно стало.

        Марина В. 01/03/2025

        Anna Lotan Renova Retinol Capsules


        Все отримала, дякую. Ці капсулки особливо сподобались, результат буквально відразу, шкіра чудова просто стає. Дякую за консультацію

          Ирина 12/27/2024

          Cantabria Labs Neoretin Discrom Control Transition Cream


          Пока нравится, есть результат. Спасибо за совет



            Cosmetics with retinol is an important part of a comprehensive strategy to counter age-related changes in the skin of the body and face. Products with this component have a pronounced anti-aging effect.

            Various care cosmetics, including those based on retinoids, in a wide assortment is presented in the IDN Cosmetics catalog. Having found out how much this or that drug costs, you can buy and order delivery in Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Kharkov, Lvov and all Ukraine of Israeli cosmetics for professional and home use.

            Types of cosmetics with retinol

            Retinol is a form of vitamin A. Its main feature is high bioavailability. Small molecules of the substance are able to penetrate the epidermis and act on the deeper layers of the skin. Due to this property, cosmetics based on retinoids are in demand in dermatology.

            Retinoids have a complex effect on the dermis:

            • activate the synthesis of collagen;
            • repair the epithelium;
            • accelerate the regeneration of damaged skin, including after acne.

            At the same time, retinol is unstable when released into the external environment. Vitamin A breaks down under the influence of oxygen and sunlight. Therefore, retinoids, that is, retinol derivatives, are more often used in cosmetic care products.

            There are about 2500 retinoids in total. The most effective is retinoic acid, which affects skin cells. It connects to RAR receptors and starts several processes at once:

            • changes melanogenesis, which causes lightening of the skin of the face and body;
            • activates the production of sebocytes that eliminate acne;
            • starts the synthesis of collagen, elastin and some polysaccharides, which stimulates regeneration.

            Different retinoids can be transformed into retinoic acid with different speeds and efficiency, overcoming skin barriers.

            This is why various retinol-based cosmetics can be offered at markedly different prices. Some of them are inexpensive, the cost of others may seem overpriced at first glance.

            The price largely depends on what kind of retinol derivative and in what concentration is contained in the cosmetic product.

            Features of using cosmetics with retinol

            The process of converting retinoids into acid takes place in several stages:

            1. Retinol esters — retinyl palmitate, as well as retinyl acetate, retinol acetate and optionally vitamin A acetate.
            2. Retinol.
            3. Retinaldehyde or retinal.
            4. Retinoic acid (Retin-A, retinoic acid, tretinoin).

            Thus, long-chain cosmetics, that is, those containing retinol esters, will be the softest and most long-lasting in their effect. It will be inexpensive - you can buy and use primarily as an antioxidant. These products cannot significantly activate collagen synthesis and significantly affect skin pigmentation. The exception (both in terms of cost and effectiveness) are drugs with retinyl retinoate (R-retinyl-retinoate), which break down into retinol and retinoic acid immediately after contact with the skin.

            Retinol-based products with good penetrating power are sold at a higher price. At the same time, the composition of the funds should contain stabilizers, or retinol in liposomes can be used, its cost and effectiveness will be higher.

            Cosmetics based on retinaldehyde or retinal is ten times more powerful than versions with retinol. And the fastest and most powerful drugs are products with retinaldehyde (retinaldehyde) or retinal (retinal, as well as retinoic acids, which are more intended for professional use.

            The indicated retinoids are natural. In cosmetology, synthetic analogues can also be used, the main difference of which is UV resistance.

            You can order the delivery of the products you need from the catalog of Israeli cosmetics of the IDN Cosmetics store throughout Ukraine. Delivery to Kyiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Kharkov, Lviv is carried out in the shortest possible time. How much the delivery costs is determined by the tariffs of the selected operator.

            Frequently Asked Questions

            Что такое ретинол и как он влияет на кожу?

            Ретинол — это форма витамина A, известная своими мощными антивозрастными свойствами. Он стимулирует обновление клеток, увеличивает выработку коллагена и эластина, улучшает текстуру кожи и уменьшает морщины. Также ретинол эффективен в борьбе с акне и пигментацией.

            Как долго нужно использовать ретинол для достижения результатов?

            Первые улучшения могут быть заметны через 8-12 недель регулярного применения. Полный эффект проявляется через 6-12 месяцев. Постоянство и терпение важны для достижения устойчивых результатов.

            Можно ли использовать ретинол в летний период?

            Да, но с осторожностью. Обязательно используйте солнцезащитный крем с высоким SPF и ограничьте пребывание на солнце. Ретинол повышает фоточувствительность кожи, поэтому защита от UV-лучей особенно важна.