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  • Reviews about Foot creams

    Элла 09/15/2024

    Kart Feeto Care Foot Treatment Balm



      Ольга Сергеева 09/14/2024

      ADN Free Feet Magnesium Chloride Flakes


      Да, ванночки помогли, кожа ног мягче гораздо и затянулись трещинки.

        Эмма 05/09/2024

        PHD Pedicure Therapeutic Peeling Cream AHA&BHA


        Очень хорошо, смягчает кожу, убирает огрубелости

          Кира 03/19/2024

          Derma Series Refreshing Foot Gel


          Очень хорошо помогает, и трещинки зажили быстро на пятках, хорошо снимает усталость и небольшую отечность, я довольна.


            FOOT CREAMS

            Foot creams are products that help take care of the beauty and health of the skin of the lower extremities. Our legs experience considerable stress every day, which leads not only to their fatigue, but also to a loss of attractive appearance. Therefore, caring for the skin of your feet is just as important as daily beauty treatments for your face.

            IDN Cosmetics specialists know what will help restore damaged skin and provide proper care for your feet throughout the year. The catalog of our online store contains effective drugs from world-famous manufacturers.

            You can inexpensively buy cosmetics for ongoing care and order products to combat specific ailments. How much each product costs is indicated in the catalogue, and you can familiarize yourself with the cost of forwarding services when placing an order. Delivery is carried out not only throughout Ukraine (Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, etc.), but also to other countries. The price depends on the chosen postal company.

            Foot creams: care all year round

            There are many reasons explaining the need for regular foot care:

            • staying on your feet for a long time - standing work, constant movement and generally high activity lead to fatigue and heavy sweating;
            • inconvenient shoes - tight shoes, boots without ventilation and sandals that rub cause moisture loss, as a result the skin dries out and becomes rough, calluses, cracks and other damage appear;
            • improper hygiene - choosing the wrong products can only aggravate the emerging problems;
            • skin diseases - special cosmetics can not only cure fungus, psoriasis, mycosis and other ailments, but also ensure their prevention;
            • vitaminosis - due to a lack of certain vitamins, in particular A and E, peeling of the skin increases, and deep cracks may appear on the heels.

            Creams for feet differ in composition from creams for other parts of the body, and this is logical. The skin on the feet is different - it is denser and rougher than on other areas, which means it requires specific care.

            Varieties of cosmetics for feet

            The range of cosmetic products includes foot skin care products:

            • creams and ointments;
            • lotions and balms;
            • gels and masks;
            • peelings and scrubs;
            • deodorants.

            They all differ not only in their texture, but also in the effect they have on the skin. Creams are the most popular for home care. Among them there are several main types:

            • Moisturizing cream. As the name suggests, its main function is to moisturize the skin. Suitable for daily use, helps refresh feet and make them soft. The composition may contain vegetable oils and extracts, glycerin, panthenol, hyaluronic acid.
            • Emollient. Such a cream will not only moisturize the skin, but also make it softer due to a higher concentration of active ingredients.
            • Nutritious. Rich in vitamins, lipids and other ingredients that help strengthen the skin's protective barrier and prevent flaking. Such products are good to use in winter, when wearing open shoes in summer, after the pool and during high physical activity.
            • Regenerating balm. The composition contains substances aimed primarily at renewing the skin and providing a healing effect. Used for corns, calluses, cracked heels.
            • Tonic. This cream helps relieve fatigue, cools and relaxes your feet. May contain horse chestnut, mint, lemon balm, lavender, eucalyptus.
            • Healing. These are antifungal drugs, drugs used for hyperkeratosis, varicose veins and other diseases. Before using them, consultation with a specialist is required.

            In addition, special salon products are produced. They are usually aimed at solving a specific problem, contain high concentrations of active ingredients (for example, softening nail lotion, professional peeling, etc.), and their cost is noticeably higher.

            How to choose and where to buy foot creams

            When choosing a foot cream, you should consider the condition of your skin. Based on this, one or several drugs are selected. To eliminate specific ailments, it is better to first consult with a specialist in order to create an optimal care program.

            You can order the necessary products from leading manufacturers of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals in the IDN Cosmetics online store. Here you will find an impressive range of products for men and women at competitive prices. Delivery to Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Dnieper and other cities of Ukraine will be inexpensive. You can ask our consultants questions about products and how much a specific item costs in any way convenient for you. All contacts are on the corresponding page of the site.