
Price: $53

Price: $70

Price: $40

Price: $39

Price: $47

Price: $53

Price: $50

Price: $47
  • Annotation


    Stimulating regeneration processes and accelerating the formation of new cells is the main direction of the Bio Repair line of cosmetics from the Israeli company Holy Land. The preparations in this series are designed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of environmental factors, as well as to slow down the aging of the skin and prevent the occurrence of spots.

    Products from this line can be purchased for any type of skin, regardless of age. Before going into production, Bio Repair cosmetics underwent a series of clinical trials in clinics in Israel and Germany, where its effectiveness was established.

    You can buy and order cosmetics from Holy Land Cosmetics at a good price in the IDN Cosmetics online store. Inexpensive delivery of products from Israel to Ukrainian cities is available - Kyiv, Kharkov, Dnepr, Odessa and others.

    Composition and effect of Bio Repair series preparations

    The reparative properties of cosmetics are possible due to the presence of the following components:

    • hydrolyzed elastin. Responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Being integrated into its structure, the element improves turgor and softens the skin, which allows you to straighten wrinkles;
    • vitamin K. Has a pronounced regeneration and restorative effect;
    • natural extracts. Allows you to establish local blood circulation and strengthen the vascular network. They also exhibit an anti-inflammatory effect, which protects the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors;
    • gamma-linolenic acid. It is an essential component of the cell membrane. With age, the structure of the membrane is disrupted due to a lack of this acid, which leads to a decrease in elasticity, moisture and skin regeneration;
    • vegetable oils. They are donors of important acids, which helps stabilize skin cells and, as a result, reduce the rate of aging processes.

    Holy Land patented the formulas of their drugs, proving their effectiveness in laboratory and clinical trials.

    Assortment of professional cosmetics Holy Land Bio Repair

    Israeli cosmetologists have singled out products that have the most pronounced restorative effect into one line:

    • firming facial gel. It has a pronounced anti-rosacea effect, helps relieve inflammation of the skin, which is actively used in the period after peeling;
    • Vitamin E concentrate based on oil. It is used to restore skin trophism, since the composition of cosmetics helps strengthen the vascular wall. Oil components help moisturize the skin;
    • gel soap for cleansing the skin. Gently cleanses the skin and also eliminates flaking and dryness;
    • facial toner. The product is intended for all skin types and prevents the appearance of age-related changes;
    • day and night protective creams. Allows you to prepare the skin for sleep and a long working day;
    • eye cream. Softens the skin in this area. Often used in the recovery process after plastic surgery;
    • nourishing face mask. Designed to normalize trophism.

    We also recommend paying attention to other lines of the Holy Land brand with a similar effect - for example, Renew Formula .

    Where can you inexpensively order cosmetics from the Israeli brand Holy Land Bio Repair in Ukraine?

    Cosmetics from Israel from the manufacturer Holy Land can be ordered and purchased at a good price on the IDN Cosmetics website. Cosmetics from Israel are also delivered throughout Ukraine - to Kyiv, Odessa, Dnepr, Kharkov and other cities. Deliveries are made from the manufacturer, which guarantees the authenticity of the funds.