
Price: $66

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Price: $17

Price: $65

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Reviews (1)
Price: $697
  • Reviews about Ampoules

    Ana María 02/01/2025

    Medex Ampoules Neuropeptide


    Las ampollas son muy buenas, hay menos brotes, la irritación ha desaparecido por completo, la piel se ha vuelto suave.

      Марина 01/10/2025

      Biofor Bio Logic Soft Ampoule


      ампули дают очень хороший и заметный результат, подтянулась кожа, стала более упругой, уменьшились морщины, я очень довольна

        Марина В. 01/03/2025

        Anna Lotan Renova Retinol Capsules


        Все отримала, дякую. Ці капсулки особливо сподобались, результат буквально відразу, шкіра чудова просто стає. Дякую за консультацію

          Даша 12/28/2024

          Biofor Bio Logic Mix&Match Pack of 20 Ampoules


          Результат потрясающий! Спасибо за консультацию Очень довольна


            Some types of cosmetics for facial skin have an increased concentration of active substances in their composition, due to which they create a pronounced therapeutic effect. The branch of cosmetology involved in the development of such active products is called cosmeceuticals.

            The use of such active compositions ensures pronounced tightening of the skin, as well as its moisturizing and renewal, depending on the composition of the product. At its core, such cosmetics can be called serum, cocktail or concentrate, but most often this category is combined under the name “ampoules.”

            You can order and buy facial ampoules intended for home and professional use in the IDN Cosmetics online store. In our assortment you will find natural serums and concentrates in ampoules at affordable prices and with favorable delivery costs from Israel to Ukraine: Kiev, Dnepr, Lviv, Kharkov, Odessa, and other cities.

            Ampoules for the face - what are they?

            Facial ampoules are effective therapeutic and cosmetic compositions containing active substances. The peculiarity of these formulas is a high coefficient of permeability into the skin due to their low molecular weight. High-quality compositions and a variety of possibilities for use allow you to carry out procedures with ampoules for facial skin both at home and in the salon.

            The composition of the ampoules is based on a combination of natural and highly active substances. In particular, antioxidant vitamins, fruit acids and hyaluronic acid are used, as well as plant extracts and natural oils. This combination provides noticeable results after just a few procedures, regardless of the problem that you solve with ampoules.

            If you are looking for a means to restore cell metabolism, you should try ampoules containing coenzymes. For a pronounced anti-aging effect, there are formulations with retinol and collagen.

            Why use ampoules for the face?

            This type of care is suitable for everyone - both for home use and for salon procedures. Depending on the active substances, ampoules help get rid of fine wrinkles, rosacea, acne, as well as excessive dryness or oily skin.

            The assortment of the IDN Cosmetics online store includes high-quality ampoules with facial concentrates from premium Israeli cosmetics manufacturers:

            • Anna Lotan;
            • Christina;
            • Hikari;
            • GiGi Cosmetics.

            Meso-cocktails and concentrates in ampoules from these manufacturers contain high concentrations of active substances, including those of natural origin. The result of their effect on the skin becomes noticeable after the second or third procedure: the restorative properties of the skin are activated, minor imperfections in the relief are leveled out.

            Where to order and buy Israeli facial ampoules with delivery throughout Kyiv and Ukraine?

            You can order and buy inexpensive products in the form of ampoules for the face from the best Israeli manufacturers in the IDN Cosmetics online store. We offer affordable prices and low delivery costs.

            Order when it is convenient for you - our manager will contact you during business hours (all days except Friday and Saturday) to clarify the details of the order and delivery.

            We accept payment by Visa and MasterCard bank cards, as well as online payment through Privat24. Delivery from Israel to Kharkov, Odessa, Kyiv, Lviv, Dnepr and other cities of Ukraine is carried out by “Nova Poshta” and “UkrPoshta” in 3-5 weeks depending on the work of postal and customs services.

            Order professional and active care for your skin with IDN Cosmetics!

            Frequently Asked Questions

            Что представляют собой ампулы для лица?

            Ампулы — это концентрированные сыворотки с высоким содержанием активных ингредиентов, предназначенные для интенсивного ухода за кожей. Они упакованы в небольшие герметичные флаконы, что обеспечивает свежесть и эффективность продукта. Ампулы решают специфические проблемы кожи, такие как сухость, морщины или пигментация.

            Как выбирать ампулы по типу кожи и проблеме?

            Определите потребности вашей кожи: увлажнение, питание, лифтинг или осветление. Ищите ампулы с соответствующими ингредиентами, например, гиалуроновая кислота для увлажнения или витамин C для сияния. Консультация с косметологом поможет сделать правильный выбор.

            Какие активные ингредиенты обычно содержатся в ампулах?

            Гиалуроновая кислота, коллаген, пептиды, витамины и растительные экстракты часто встречаются в составе. Эти компоненты направлены на увлажнение, питание и омоложение кожи. Выбор зависит от желаемого эффекта.