

Scalp mesotherapy is a modern and effective procedure aimed at stimulating hair growth and eliminating hair fragility. Cocktails for mesotherapy contain active ingredients in high concentrations, so such products can be considered medicinal.

In the IDN Cosmetics online store, such products are available at low prices and with timely
delivery to Ukraine. You can easily order and inexpensively buy professional meso-cocktails for hair - we guarantee high quality products in our catalog.

Benefits of scalp mesotherapy

Scalp mesotherapy is a modern and effective procedure that provides treatment and care for the main part of the hair - its follicle.

A properly selected meso cocktail allows you to:

  • accelerate hair growth;
  • provide hydration to the scalp;
  • regulate sebum production on the scalp;
  • strengthen the hair structure and increase its thickness.

Please note that this is an injection procedure that should be performed by professionals. The effect of mesotherapy becomes noticeable within a couple of days after administration of the product.

Indications and contraindications for head mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is indicated in a number of cases. As a rule, this procedure is prescribed for hair loss (alopecia), increased fragility, excessive dryness or oiliness. All these problems arise due to disruption of the skin glands, between which the hair follicle is located - introducing a meso cocktail into this area provides the follicle with the substances necessary for healthy hair growth and normalizes the condition of the skin.

Contraindications for this procedure are similar to contraindications for other injection procedures: individual intolerance to the ingredients, acute infectious diseases, inflammation in the area of ​​drug administration, as well as common oncological process.

Where to order and buy a meso-cocktail for the scalp in Kyiv and Ukraine?

The catalog of the IDN Cosmetics online store presents the best meso-cocktail formulas for hair. With us you can easily and quickly order and buy these professional products at an attractive price, and we will provide convenient delivery with tracking capabilities throughout Ukraine.

Delivery usually takes up to five weeks, although the exact timing depends on postal services and customs. Shipping cost is $12. We are a reliable choice for buyers from different cities of Ukraine, including Kyiv, Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv, Dnieper and other localities.

You can pay for your order with us through online payments on the website using cards, bank transfers or through the Privat 24 system. We guarantee safety and convenience when purchasing products from IDN Cosmetics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Что такое мезококтейль и как он влияет на кожу головы?

Мезококтейль — это смесь активных веществ, вводимых в кожу головы для улучшения ее состояния. Он стимулирует кровообращение, питает волосяные фолликулы и может способствовать росту волос. Применяется в процедуре мезотерапии для лечения различных проблем волос и кожи головы.

Для каких проблем рекомендуется использование мезококтейлей?

Мезококтейли используются для лечения выпадения волос, сухости кожи головы, перхоти и укрепления волос. Они помогают улучшить качество волос и стимулируют их рост. Подбираются индивидуально в зависимости от потребностей пациента.

Как проводится процедура нанесения мезококтейля?

Процедура выполняется специалистом путем введения коктейля в кожу головы с помощью микропроколов. Сеанс занимает около 30-60 минут и может потребовать курса из нескольких процедур. Процедура практически безболезненна благодаря использованию тонких игл.