Why cosmetics for men are normal

Posted By: Elena K 09 March 2020


It is believed that only women or men involved in show business use cosmetics. And despite the fact that cosmetic brands are actively producing cosmetics for men, many representatives of the stronger sex categorically do not want to use it. The exception is shaving cosmetics, deodorant and shower gels.

Meanwhile, the courageous David Beckham became the face of the men's line of products from the BIODERMA brand. And in general, more and more men are trying to be well-groomed; daily shaving, by the way, also applies to cosmetic self-care. It also includes physical activity, selection of clothes, haircut, which for some reason are not considered shameful.

We will try to convince you that using creams, gels and foams for men is normal and even healthy.

cosmetics for men

Arguments in favor of men's cosmetics

Not only women can have problem skin, acne or rashes. Such problems are not alien to the stronger sex. It is clear that acne can only be treated by a dermatologist, but isolated pimples can be eliminated with a special lotion or cleansing gel.

Men usually wash their face only with water, but it does not wash away the dirt accumulated during the day and even sebum. You can wash your face with soap, but it makes your skin very tight, and the oiliness won’t go away. It is much better to use special washing gels that eliminate oily shine, do not dry out the skin and provide basic care.

If a man is bothered by rashes, we recommend buying a drug based on benzoyl peroxide. This is an effective and safe component for home treatment of acne. Such products do not contain hormones, but simply remove bacteria from the surface of the skin that cause inflammation. It's much better to wipe your face with lotion than to walk around with rashes, right?

The second argument in favor of cosmetics for men: when using it, the skin will not peel off as much. This is especially true during the cold season. Peeling not only looks unsightly, but also brings a feeling of discomfort. And in order not to walk around with scales and red spots on your face, you need to use a moisturizer. Not only women have this problem, so it’s logical to take care of solving it. Many men do not like the texture of the cream; for them, cosmetics manufacturers make light emulsions or moisturizing gels.

The third argument is wrinkles. Men are not as afraid of aging as women, but they also want to delay the appearance of the first wrinkles. But if the skin is not moisturized, they will appear earlier than if it is regularly nourished and moisturized.

Another problem is the consequences of a sleepless night or lack of sleep. In the morning, men may also look tired, with bruises and bags under their eyes. And it’s much better to use a special cooling gel than to spend half the day answering your colleagues’ questions about whether you’re sick. Such gels will not solve the problem of sleep, but they will help you look a little fresher and remove puffiness.

Well, the main argument - does David Beckham look feminine because he advertises a line of cosmetics and uses these products himself? He looks like a stylish and well-groomed man.

We hope that we were able to convince you to at least use hand cream when your skin is red and very dry due to frost and wind, or hygienic lipstick to prevent your lips from cracking.

And in general, you already use cosmetics! Shaving foam contains soothing ingredients, cares for the face and moisturizes it. What about aftershave lotion? The most real cosmetics.

Equality reigns in the modern world, and this concerns not only the expansion of women's rights. It has also become easier for men, they no longer have to be an unkempt primitive man. Now representatives of the stronger sex freely go to spa salons, relaxing massages, and see a cosmetologist. They provide manicures, pedicures and styling for special occasions. They even do hair removal to make you look good!

So don't be afraid to use creams, tonics and lotions. This will improve your skin condition, your appearance and even prolong your youth. On our website you can find a cosmetics section specifically for men, where products from the world's leading brands are presented.

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