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  • Reviews about Skin nutrition

    Ася 09/14/2024

    Magiray Extra Rich Finishing Cream


    Крем очень хорошо питает кожу, быстро впитывается, приятный аромат.

      Ксюша 06/27/2024

      Obagi Medical Nu-Derm Hydrate


      Я довольна, спасибо

        Эмма 06/27/2024

        Vivant Skin Care Marine Skin Nourishment Cream


        Шикарно увлажняет, уже через несколько дней совершенно ушла сухость и раздражение. а консультацию и скидку спасибо большое!

          Ирина 03/19/2024

          Brilace Rich Caviar Algin Peel-Off Mask


          Маска шикарная, ощущения после процедуры великолепные, кожа гладенькая такая и ровная, питает кожу , эффект сохраняется несколько дней, даже можно и не наносить повседневный крем, достаточно мне было только сыворотки.


            Skin nourishing products are an important part of skin care for its good condition. After thoroughly cleansing and toning the skin, it needs sufficient nutrition - especially during the cold season. Nutrients saturate the skin with useful substances and strengthen its lipid barrier, due to which the skin does not dry out or become inflamed under extreme conditions.

            For some skin types - for example, dry and sensitive - special formulas of nutrients are being developed that contain anti-inflammatory and soothing substances.

            You can order and buy such cosmetics at a low price from trusted Israeli manufacturers in the IDN Cosmetics online store with delivery to Ukraine.

            Nutritional cosmetics for skin are the basis of care

            The beneficial substances contained in the nutrients fill the skin with missing nutrients, thereby maintaining its tone and healthy appearance.

            Among such substances are collagen, phospholipids, retinol, and beneficial microelements, which are often lacking in facial skin. Depending on their format, such products can be used both during the day and at night. In addition, some formulas are designed for professional home care - for example, to saturate the skin with oxygen.

            How to choose nourishing cosmetics for the skin?

            The first thing to consider when choosing such a product is your skin type. Compositions that are too greasy or oily are not suitable for oily and problem skin, even in winter, but for sensitive skin, due to the presence of fatty substances, such cosmetics will be useful.

            Most nourishing products should be used at night - for this reason, it is best to choose formulas that do not leave an unpleasant filmy feeling on the skin.

            In the IDN Cosmetics online store you can buy nourishing and healing creams, masks, and serums for facial skin from the best Israeli brands at affordable prices:

            • GiGi;
            • Renew;
            • Dr. Kadir;
            • ADN;
            • Magiray.

            The catalog also contains high-quality products from other trusted manufacturers.

            Where to order and buy Israeli nourishing cosmetics with delivery to Ukraine?

            Order high-quality Israeli cosmetics in the IDN Cosmetics online store, where you can find current products from popular Israeli brands at low prices. Delivery is possible to Kharkov, Dnepr, Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa, and any other city in Ukraine where postal services operate.

            Delivery takes three to five weeks.