
Пилинг-крем для лица, Holy Land Lactolan Peeling Cream

Пилинг-крем для лица, Holy Land Lactolan Peeling Cream
Reviews (1)
Price: $45

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  • Reviews about Peelings

    Эльвира 01/12/2024

    Пилинг-крем для лица, Holy Land Lactolan Peeling Cream


    Очень мягко очищает, кожа прямо бархатная после него

      Ася 12/26/2023

      Daily Micro Peel


      Мне понравился, пятнышки даже осветлились пигментные через неделю, и кожу не травмирует совсем



        A series of peelings from the Israeli manufacturer of cosmetics Holy Land is designed for deep and effective cleansing of the skin without the use of traumatic mechanical impact. The preparations are made using natural ingredients, which reduces the effect of irritation and inflammation of the skin.

        You can inexpensively order delivery of products from Israel to Dnepr, Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa, as well as buy cosmetics from Israeli companies at a good price on the IDN Cosmetics website.

        Principle of action and active ingredients of Holy Land peelings

        The effectiveness of peeling is achieved through the use of organic acids, which perform:

        • exfoliation. It is necessary to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, which is a medium for the development of pathogenic flora;
        • reduction in the thickness of the epidermis. Stimulates regeneration and, as a result, rejuvenation;
        • hydration and restoration of the protective barrier;
        • evening out the color and tone of facial skin;
        • stabilization of acidity indicators;
        • stabilization of the sebaceous glands.

        In addition to organic acids, dry cleaning products may include:

        • retinol. Stimulates healing and production of collagen fibers;
        • vitamin C and its derivatives;
        • mineral elements.

        The use of potent active ingredients requires peeling by a cosmetologist. You should buy potent products only on his recommendation.

        Assortment of Holy Land peelings that can be purchased with delivery to Ukraine

        This category includes products that differ in the level of impact on the skin:

        • super peeling with retinol;
        • enzyme peeling. The drug contains enzyme components, which increases the effectiveness;
        • peeling film;
        • balance peeling for oily skin. Additionally regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the face;
        • anti-aging peeling.

        Such products may require additional use of soothing skin care - for example, you can order products from the Calm Derm series.

        Where can I order Holy Land peelings inexpensively?

        Israeli cosmetics can be bought at a good price on the IDN Cosmetics website. The store organizes delivery of cosmetics from Israel to anywhere in the world, including Dnieper, Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa