Reviews about Hair peeling

Ира 03/18/2024

ADN BioHair System Scalp Peeling


Пилингом довольна, хорошо очищает и мягко очень, стали волосы вроде меньше выпадать...

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How often can you exfoliate your hair?

    For normal and oily scalp, peeling is recommended once a week. For dry or sensitive skin - once every 2-3 weeks. The frequency depends on individual characteristics and skin condition.

    Is exfoliation suitable for all scalp types?

    Peeling is suitable for most skin types, but with sensitive or damaged skin, you should be careful. Before using a new product, test it on a small area of ​​​​skin. If you have dermatological problems, consult a doctor.

    Does exfoliation help fight dandruff?

    Yes, peeling can effectively remove dead cells and reduce the appearance of dandruff. In combination with antifungal shampoos, the effect will be more noticeable. However, if dandruff is severe, it is better to consult a specialist.