
Reviews (1)
Price: $22 $31

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  • Reviews about Hair balm

    Лана 12/19/2023

    Lee Stafford Grow Strong & Long Protein Treatment Styling Cream

    Крем для волос

    Я довольна, волос улучшился, перестал ломаться и укладывать легко, пользуюусь уже месяц

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is the purpose of hair balm?

      It moisturizes, nourishes the hair, and makes detangling easier after shampooing.

      Can hair balm be used daily?

      Yes, especially for dry or damaged hair, it can be used daily.

      What is the difference between hair balm and conditioner?

      Hair balm nourishes and restores, while conditioner mainly focuses on sealing the cuticle and making hair easier to detangle.