First wrinkles before age 25: how to deal with them

Posted By: Elena K 22 May 2023


The appearance of wrinkles is considered the first harbinger of fading youth, and therefore they can often cause a range of unpleasant emotions: from concern to anxiety. It is especially unpleasant if the appearance of wrinkles occurs unexpectedly, when adulthood is just beginning to loom on the distant horizon of life.

The common cause of the appearance of the most visible and localized folds of the skin is the activity of facial muscles. But why doesn’t this happen in childhood and adolescence? Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and firmness. The first folds appear in the most mobile zones, displaced by muscles during facial activity.

Why wrinkles appear at an early age

The first signs of aging begin to appear on the skin at 20–25 years of age. From this age, a gradual decrease in the volume of proteins begins, including collagen and elastin. In addition to a drop in the number of glycosaminoglycans, there is a reduction in the number of molecules of hyaluronic acid, which is located in the space between the fibers of the dermis, ensuring fullness and elasticity of the skin.

During childhood and adolescence, the synthesis of collagen and elastin sufficient for constant skin renewal occurs with the support of active blood microcirculation. And it also slows down with age. As a result, the skin loses fullness and elasticity, and as it fades, wrinkles become more pronounced.

Also, age-related changes in the body's endocrine system affect the condition of the skin. The production of a number of sex hormones and growth hormones decreases. They affect collagen synthesis and fibroblast activity. Age-related skin fatigue caused by biological factors is called chronoaging.

The appearance of early wrinkles can also be caused by a genetic predisposition. In this case, to slow down their progression, you should lead a healthy and active lifestyle and ensure proper regular skin care.

A whole group of factors that provoke the appearance of wrinkles is associated with a certain lifestyle or habits.

Lack of sleep

Regular lack of sleep provokes the release of stress hormones that negatively affect the condition of the skin. In addition, the largest organ in the body also needs a good night's rest to recover.


An addiction deals a double blow to the skin. Firstly, there is a gradual toxic contamination of the body and the destruction of vitamin C, and secondly, a drop in the level of oxygen in the cells.


Lack of physical activity slows down metabolism and blood flow, which disrupts metabolic processes.

Physical overload

They can provoke disruptions in the hormonal system, which leads to the first appearance of wrinkles at an early age.

Unbalanced diet

A deficiency of vitamins and nutrients inevitably affects the skin. Research also confirms the hypothesis about the adverse effects of refined sugars on the skin. The reason lies in the increase in the cells of the compounds of the so-called glycated collagen and elastin.

The appearance of “wrong” proteins is the result of protein glycation, the reaction of the covalent combination of free amino acids in proteins with certain types of carbohydrates. As a result, protein fibrils become denser and lose their necessary properties. The gradual accumulation of such non-functioning proteins in the dermis reduces elasticity and impairs cell nutrition.

Since collagen and elastin are present in all types of human connective tissue, the glycation process inevitably affects the cardiovascular system, other internal organs, and the musculoskeletal system. This causes inflammation and disruptions in metabolism, leading to the development of a number of diseases, including diabetes, strokes, and heart attacks.

All enzymes are proteins; amino acid compounds are also involved in ensuring nerve conduction of cells, so the range of diseases associated with protein glycation is quite wide.

An external sign of the accumulation of “bad” proteins is fatigue and dullness of the skin, and the progression of wrinkles. Proper nutrition and limiting sugar consumption significantly slows down the course of these negative processes.

Insufficient skin care

Moisturizing and protecting the skin is an everyday task. Regularity of procedures with properly selected preparations maintains the level of regeneration of necessary substances, optimal acid-base and water balance of the skin.

If you actively use cosmetics, then one of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles may be incorrectly selected products. Those that contain alcohol can destroy the protective hydrolipidic layer of the skin, which leads to dryness.

Active facial expressions over many years of life inevitably lead to the formation of facial folds on the face. As a rule, increased facial activity is also associated with a high level of emotional reaction. And this also causes noticeable fluctuations in hormonal levels, which can negatively affect the skin.

The habit of squinting is often the only reason for the early formation of wrinkles in the area around the eyes. To avoid the appearance of crow's feet and wrinkles on the skin under the eyes already in adolescence, you should get rid of this habit.

Another group of factors is external in nature:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to photoaging of the skin. The reason is that UF rays destroy the protective layer, after which they dry out skin cells and destroy collagen fibers.
  • Polluted air provokes an increase in the number of free radicals that destroy skin and proteins.
  • Stress causes the release of glucocorticoids and adrenaline into the blood, which block the flow of oxygen to the skin.

The location of wrinkles may indicate the main or indirect cause of their appearance:

  • facial - as a result of facial activity and age-related skin changes;
  • around the eyes - this is where the thinnest skin is located, so wrinkles in this area are often the result of facial expressions, squinting, exposure to UF radiation and blue light (HEV radiation) from electronic gadget screens;
  • frontal - appear in the form of vertical folds between the eyebrows and horizontal folds along the center line of the forehead. The premature appearance of the latter may be caused by constant tone of the frontal muscle;
  • nasolabial folds - deepen with increasing sagging skin and gradually form deep furrows, and wrinkles around the mouth can occur due to an incorrect bite, as well as with constantly compressed or pursed lips;
  • wrinkles on the neck (they are also called rings of Venus) are often the result of poor posture.

The first wrinkles can sometimes be mistaken for the so-called lines of dehydration - barely noticeable areas of shallow folds on the skin. But they only affect the epidermis and, as a rule, do not develop into full-fledged wrinkles. They can appear on both young and mature skin and indicate the need for moisturizing.

How to remove early wrinkles?

The first reaction to the appearance of wrinkles in many girls is the massive use of cosmetics. However, the correct approach is a comprehensive anti-aging strategy, which includes the use of medications and the acquisition of healthy habits aimed at overall health of the body.

Regular moderate physical activity maintains the optimal state of the body and its hormonal system. And this has a positive effect on skin color and condition, slowing down the development of wrinkles.

Proper and balanced nutrition with sufficient vitamins and microelements and minimization of refined sugars in the diet has a positive effect on the health of the whole body and skin.

It is necessary to provide thorough facial skin care twice a day. Mandatory cleansing and moisturizing in the morning, plus makeup removal and restorative procedures in the evening. Without this base, anti-aging creams and serums will not have the desired effect.

Provide maximum hydration not only to your face, but also to your body. Drink enough fluids, select and use cosmetics with hydrofixatives, for example, glycerin and ampoules with hyaluronic acid.

Keep your posture - this will not only protect you from a dubious gift in the form of Venus rings on your neck, but will also ensure an even complexion.

Manage the condition of your facial muscles - get rid of the habit of wrinkling your forehead, learn to keep your muscles relaxed throughout the day. To maintain their tone and activate blood circulation, regularly perform exercises for the facial muscles (face building). Such gymnastics allows you to maintain and even improve your facial contour.

Accompany morning or evening procedures with facial self-massage, which must be performed without stretching the epidermis.

Use ampoules, creams, serums with antioxidants and acids - they will slow down the aging process and improve the regenerative capabilities of the skin.

Provide constant sun protection for your skin with special creams, also apply them to your neck and décolleté.

Anti-wrinkle program up to 25 years

For advice on selecting suitable care products, it is better to contact a professional cosmetologist and use only products from brands that have proven their effectiveness.

At a young age, you should rely on quality products with natural ingredients that gently integrate into natural processes. This could be cosmetics from the French company Bioderma Laboratories (Bioderma) or other products with a similar action algorithm.

You should also be prepared for the fact that there is no magic cream, and the effectiveness of fighting wrinkles will largely depend on your personal efforts and regularity of care.

You should not expect rapid changes even when using premium cosmetics from well-known brands. As a rule, visible changes appear in about a month to a month and a half. This is due to the natural periods of renewal of the stratum corneum of the skin. Before the age of 25, this cycle is about four weeks. At this point, the cumulative effect of the use of cosmetics also appears.

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Ира 14.February.2024, 16:38
Мне 27, очень много мелких морщин в уголках глаз. Спасибо за информацию, видимо нужно посерьезней браться за себя
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Оля 10.December.2023, 20:17
Я сильно переживала за мимические морщинки в уголках глаз. Добавила в уход хорошее увлажнение, спасибо за совет.
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