How to dye eyebrows correctly

Posted By: Elena K 18 December 2019


Recently, eyebrows have received a lot of attention. They are emphasized with makeup, painted with paint or henna, and given tattoos and even long-term styling and lamination. In many modern and fashionable looks, makeup artists focus on the eyebrows, while the rest of the makeup looks discreet and natural.

Eyebrows can really make your face more expressive; they allow you to highlight your strengths and distract from your flaws.

The times when an eyebrow should be as thin as a thread are long gone. Wide eyebrows have been a trend for several years now, but in the last year fashion has dictated another rule for girls: to wear wild, wide, natural eyebrows slightly combed up. In pursuit of trends, ladies are actively growing their hair and even buying extensions, but things have not yet come to full extensions. But eyebrows can be styled, and even for a long time! Long-term hair styling and botox are another popular trend today. The procedure is done by an eyebrow specialist; a special composition is applied to the hairs, which makes them soft and pliable. These eyebrows can be easily styled using gel, and the result will last up to 1.5 months.

By the way, with the fashion for eyebrows in makeup, eyebrow masters have appeared who are engaged in their architecture and coloring.

How to dye your eyebrows

There are many makeup products: pencil, special thick shadows, eyebrow mascara, lipstick and even powder.

We will tell you about each product in more detail:

  1. The pencil perfectly creates a clear shape and can be used to fill white spaces and add brightness to color. With its help you can adjust the shape. The pencil should not be too dry; it is better to choose a hard-soft option.
  2. Eyeshadows and powder are similar items and have a crumbly texture. With them, the makeup will turn out more natural, with a light shadow on the skin. If you have not yet brought the application of eyebrow makeup to automaticity, it is better to start with shadows. They can be shaded and the eyebrows will not be so bright.
  3. Eyebrow pomade is sold in small jars with an angled brush included. Allows you to draw the ideal eyebrow shape, but you need to get used to it - all the lipstick lines are very clear. It is important to make strokes according to hair growth.
  4. Mascara gives your eyebrows a distinct color and combs them at the same time. It also serves as a good alternative to gel and fixes hairs in the desired position. You can't create bright eyebrows with it, but you can emphasize thick and dark ones. The disadvantage of this product is that you cannot draw borders with ink.
  5. Coloring gels. They have a greasy texture than mascara and fix hairs better. Suitable as a finish, but usually not used as a sole makeup product.

How to paint your eyebrows yourself: general tips

Dye and henna on hairs rarely last more than two weeks. The rest of the time, girls tint them themselves, and we will tell you how to do it correctly in order to give them a neat and pronounced look without sacrificing naturalness.

There are several general recommendations:

  1. For brunettes, the color of eyebrow makeup should be a tone lighter than the skin tone, for blondes - a tone darker.
  2. Always use light strokes.
  3. Use a special eyebrow brush with an angled corner.
  4. It is better to start painting from the ponytail, then draw the lower line of the eyebrow. Then the base is drawn without touching the beginning of the eyebrow.
  5. The beginning of the eyebrow (at the bridge of the nose) should be painted over with small strokes, making it lighter than the middle and tip. It is better to choose the gradient technique.
  6. To visually lift your brow, apply a light concealer or highlighter with light shimmer underneath it.
  7. Finally, comb your eyebrows with a dry brush or fix them with gel. The gel will make the eyebrow more neat and maintain its appearance throughout the day.

To create perfect eyebrows, it is better to use several products. For example, draw the tip and bottom line with a pencil, and the base and beginning of the eyebrow with light shadows. Avoid eyebrows that are too thick and heavy; they not only look sloppy, but also add years to your appearance.

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Как нарисовать бровь так, чтобы она выглядела идеально? Тут я нашла подробное объяснение правильной техники рисования бровей. С помощью простых шагов и полезных советов, я научилась создавать идеальную форму бровей, подходящую к моему лицу. Теперь мои брови выглядят аккуратно и выразительно.
Марина 14.July.2023, 20:38
Хотите узнать, как нарисовать брови, как настоящий профессионал? Поздравляю, вы попали по адресу! Статья на сайте дает исчерпывающую информацию о том, как рисовать брови правильно. Я нашла здесь все ответы на свои вопросы и получила полезные советы. Теперь я уверенно рисую свои брови, подчеркивая их форму и придавая лицу выразительность. Если вы хотите овладеть мастерством рисования бровей, обязательно изучите эту статью!

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