Cosmetics with aloe vera: what are its benefits?

Posted By: Elena K 22 May 2023


Oblong fleshy leaves with thorns along the edges, bright green color and the ability to survive not only on a sunny windowsill, but also in the dry African desert. The Greeks considered it a universal remedy for all diseases, and the Egyptians called it “the plant of immortality.” Doesn't remind you of anything? Many will recognize in this description one of the most popular succulents, widely used in medicine and cosmetology - aloe vera.

Due to the special properties and unique chemical composition, extracts of this plant, popularly called agave, are used to create natural cosmetics for different skin types and combat an extensive list of dermatological problems. The active components of aloe allow you to create effective products for both salon and home skin care face and body , behind the hair.

The IDN Cosmetics online store offers you to order high-quality products from trusted cosmeceutical brands. Our catalog contains such Israeli products for face and body with aloe vera as:

  • nourishing and moisturizing creams;
  • complex action masks;
  • soothing and regenerating gels.

When choosing professional cosmetics, we recommend consulting with a cosmetologist, or you can ask for advice from IDN Cosmetics specialists.

The benefits of cosmetics with aloe

It is known that the chemical composition of aloe contains several dozen active substances: these are, in particular, vitamins and minerals, enzymes and sugars, acids and amino acids and other components.

For the production of professional cosmetics, aloe extract is isolated in laboratory conditions, while the juice and leaves of this plant can be used for homemade mask recipes.

To understand how aloe vera cosmetics benefit our skin, it’s worth taking a closer look at the main active ingredients.

The complex of vitamins contained in aloe looks quite impressive:

  • A (beta-carotene) is an antioxidant, helps in tissue regeneration and smoothing out wrinkles, protects the epidermis from sun rays.
  • B1 (thiamine) - helps improve skin turgor, reduces inflammation, helps fight signs of aging.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - participates in all types of metabolic processes; in cosmetology it is used in anti-aging formulas and products for the care of dry skin.
  • B3 (nicotinic acid, or niacin) - takes part in the synthesis of proteins and fats in the body, improves blood circulation, suppresses inflammation and accelerates regeneration, maintains skin elasticity.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - normalizes lipid metabolism and seboregulation, protects against ultraviolet radiation.
  • B9 (folic acid) - balances sebum secretion, prevents inflammation, counteracts acne and aging.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) - stimulates blood circulation, participates in the process of tissue respiration, maintains the tone and healthy shine of the skin.
  • Vitamin C - necessary for the production of collagen, fights inflammation, brightens the epidermis, protects it from the sun.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - together with vitamin C, has a brightening effect, helps in the fight against peeling and irritation.

Also, aloe vera extract contains macroelements (Mg, Na, K, Ca, P) and microelements (Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, S, Se, Zn), which are necessary to normalize metabolic processes in the body, maintain cellular immunity, and retain moisture in the epidermis.

Amino acids - some of them help moisturize the skin, others slow down the aging process, participate in protein synthesis, and are antioxidants.

The healing effect of aloe is enhanced by the mono- and polysaccharides it contains. These substances participate in metabolic processes, help maintain the water balance of the skin, and improve the barrier properties of the epidermis.

Enzymes—there are eight of them in aloe—reduce skin inflammation and stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers.

The complex of biologically active substances also includes:

  • mineral salts;
  • salicylic acid;
  • fatty acids;
  • tanning compounds;
  • lignin;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • plant hormones.

Barbaloin is worth mentioning among the powerful active ingredients. This substance resists many bacteria and has a therapeutic effect on acne, psoriasis, eczema and other dermatological problems. It also helps to cope with various types of burns and heal wounds.

The effect of using cosmetics with aloe vera

Due to the regenerating properties of this plant and hypoallergenicity, cosmetics based on it can be recommended for any skin type.

Cosmetics with aloe vera are designed to:

  • reduce tissue susceptibility to external influences, thereby achieving an anti-aging effect;
  • promote intensive moisturizing the skin, including the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • relieve inflammation and irritation;
  • have an antibacterial effect;
  • maintain the integrity of the protective epidermal barrier;
  • treat skin infections and irritations from insect bites;
  • accelerate the healing of physical and chemical damage to the skin.

When choosing creams, gels, lotions, masks with aloe, you should pay attention to other components in cosmetics that significantly affect the final result of its use. When selecting skin care products, it is important not only their high quality, but also the compatibility of cosmetic products with each other.

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Мира 22.January.2024, 18:56
Всегда относилась к косметике с алое вера так себе, теперь попробую

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