Basic skincare: what every girl should have

Posted By: Elena K 17 October 2022


Nowadays you can easily get confused in the abundance of skincare products - there are many names, formats, and formulas. At the same time, most of all this cosmetics may not be so important - basic care will be much more important.

Basic products are the basis of skin care, regardless of its type. All other cosmetics may have a special effect and help solve certain skin problems, but it is basic care that creates the basis for healthy skin.

Types of skin care cosmetics

There are four important stages of basic care:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration;
  • food.

Cleansing products can be used either to remove makeup or to deeper cleansing of the skin. As a rule, in the first case micellar water, milk or hydrophilic oil is used, and in the second case foams or cleansing gels are used.

Tonics or lotions are used for toning - their action is aimed at restoring the water and acid-base balance of the skin, as well as preparing it for the application of subsequent products.

Moisturizing is an important stage of basic care. For proper hydration, the season and characteristics of the skin, as well as the composition of the product, are important. In addition to using good moisturizers, do not forget about other sources of moisture in the skin - purified and slightly humid air, as well as sufficient water intake per day.

Finally, nourishing products saturate the skin with those nutrients that it lacks, and also restore the lipid barrier, thereby preventing the development of skin damage.

Depending on your skin type, season and age, you may also need additional products that should be included in your care program. This list includes sunscreens, whitening and soothing compounds, as well as sebum-regulating and especially nourishing products.

Proper storage of skincare products

In order for each product to maintain its effect and not cause harm, you need to properly store your skincare products. Substances in its composition can oxidize and react with each other under certain conditions - this can negatively affect both the effectiveness of the products and their safety for the skin.

It is especially important to pay attention to the proper storage of care products with active substances in their composition - under unfavorable conditions they lose their effectiveness, and in the worst case, they harm the skin after application. This is due to the high chemical activity of such substances, especially with a minimum amount of preservatives in the composition.

Proper storage of skincare cosmetics can be ensured by following these simple rules:

  1. If possible, store products in the refrigerator. This condition is especially important for products without preservatives in the composition - in this case, cold will be the only stabilizer of their formulas. This also applies to products containing unstable components - vitamins and plant extracts.
  2. High humidity is also not the best condition for storing any skincare cosmetics. If you need certain products specifically in the bathroom, it is better to store them in a separate cabinet or drawer, rather than on open shelves that collect condensation from the humidity in the bathroom.
  3. Direct sunlight is another contraindication for storing funds. Ultraviolet radiation changes their formula, makes it unstable, and generally prevents the substances in the composition from realizing their full potential.
  4. If you use the product in a jar, do not apply it with your fingers - use a spatula or a special spatula so as not to cultivate bacteria in the jar.
  5. Keep cosmetics closed and do not regret them after the expiration date - as a rule, the structure and composition of such products already change, and an unpleasant odor appears. For the skin, such a product will be ineffective at best.

Usually manufacturers of skincare cosmetics indicate the basic rules for storing them on the packaging - in most cases they should not be neglected.

Selecting basic skin care

When choosing, you need to focus not only on the selling picture created by brand marketers, but also on the properties of the product itself, as well as the composition. In addition, it is important to select cosmetics according to age, skin type and season. This process may not be the most convenient in offline networks, so many women prefer to choose cosmetics in online stores - slowly, reading the ingredients, studying reviews.

The choice of basic skin care products is especially important. Despite the simplicity of this care, you need to choose such cosmetics individually “for yourself,” focusing on the characteristics of your skin.

Four stages of basic care - four types of products that you need to choose first.

Makeup remover

Many people prefer to skip this stage in favor of a good wash, but it is in thoroughly cleansing the skin of cosmetic residues that the effectiveness of the cleansing stage lies. The choice is between hydrophilic oil (better for oily or dry skin), milk (for normal or dry skin), and micellar water (for normal or combination skin).

Wash products

Such cosmetics should be used often - in the morning, upon returning home, at night. Foams and gels allow you to thoroughly remove residual sebum and dust particles. However, such products should not contain too aggressive surfactants, so as not to dry out the skin.

Skin toning

Using a tonic or lotion is the final phase of the preparatory stage of the skin. Tonic or lotion tones the skin, restores its acid-base balance, and also prepares it for the application of the following products. For dry and oily skin, it is better to use non-alcohol based tonics, and lotions are more suitable for those with oily, normal and combination skin.


Application of serum can be called an intermediate stage of care. This product enhances the effect of the mask or cream that follows, and in some cases has a certain effect - for example, whitening, rejuvenating, moisturizing.< /p>

Like other skincare products, serum needs to be selected to suit the needs of your skin - the effectiveness of the care you choose depends on this.

Face creams

Finally, the treatment ends with the application of cream. First of all, you will need a moisturizer to lock moisture into the skin. Depending on age, season and skin type, additional creams may be required: nourishing, whitening, rejuvenating or protective.

Creams for skin care around the eyes

This area is an area of ​​increased attention, and a regular face cream will not suit it. The skin of the eyelids is very thin, so special formulations must be used for it - hypoallergenic, light, and well moisturizing.


Masks are universal and effective products that are selected specifically for the skin problems that concern you. For dry skin, moisturizing and protective masks are well suited; for oily skin, sebum-regulating masks or those with an antibacterial and mattifying effect. Any masks are suitable for normal skin - in most cases their effect is aimed at lightly moisturizing or nourishing the skin.

There are several types of masks: fabric with a fabric pattern impregnated with the active composition, gel, which hardens and is easily removed with a film, washable, and also creamy.

Proven brands of skincare cosmetics

If you choose skincare products from one line, selected specifically for the characteristics and needs of your skin, their effectiveness becomes significantly higher. For good basic care, we recommend Israeli brands that have many products and their lines for different skin types, and are distinguished by the effectiveness of the products.

Anna Lotan

Anna Lotan is a well-known Israeli brand with patented formulas and the use of local plants and minerals to create them.


Christina is another popular brand that creates and updates lines of care cosmetics for every skin type, including problem and sensitive skin.


This brand is easy to recognize - each line already has its own legendary compositions, from which many women discovered this manufacturer. When creating formulas, both active substances synthesized in the laboratory and extracts of Israeli plants are used.

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