How to quickly moisturize your skin

Posted By: Elena K 05 May 2023


Tightness and flaking of facial skin are the first signs that indicate such a common problem as dehydration. Any type of skin can experience a lack of moisture.

This manifests itself as follows:

  • on combination and oily skin, enlarged pores and increased sebum secretion are observed, an unhealthy tint and oily sheen appear, looseness, acne becomes more active;
  • on skin that has a genetic predisposition to dry type, fine lines become more noticeable wrinkles around the eyes and lips, tightness is felt after washing, sensitivity increases, peeling increases and inflammation appears.

As a result, not only does the appearance deteriorate, but the protective functions of the hydrolipid mantle are also disrupted, which can quickly lead to more serious dermatological problems.

Why does moisture deficiency occur

Adolescents may experience dehydration due to hormonal changes in the body; this is also a common problem for aging skin, which produces less hyaluronic acid and other substances necessary for natural hydration.

Other reasons for lack of moisture are:

  • negative impact of environmental factors - sudden changes in temperature, strong wind, sun rays, dry conditioned air;
  • improper care - using cosmetics that are not suitable for a specific skin type;
  • unbalanced diet and insufficient fluid intake; smoking and alcohol abuse.

Cosmetic products that provide gentle cleansing of the face and help normalize the hydrolipid balance will help quickly solve the problem of skin dehydration. You can order effective cosmetics from leading brands to your home in the IDN Cosmetics online store.

Express help for dehydrated skin

In order to urgently restore the moisture balance, you should first get rid of the factors that provoke dehydration. Particular attention should be paid to cleansing the epidermis. It is recommended to avoid soap, alkaline and alcohol products and give preference to cosmetics with a neutral pH and without abrasive particles.

If you are severely dehydrated (especially if your skin is genetically predisposed to dryness), use milk or delicate care gel instead of water.

For express moisturizing you can choose special serums and concentrates that are applied daily to cleansed skin (before applying cream ). Products must be selected taking into account the specific type: for example, for problematic skin with signs of acne, for aging dermis with pronounced wrinkles, for delicate skin around the eyes, etc.

You can also use moisturizing masks at home - it is better to discuss the course of their use with a cosmetologist.

Moisturizing creams applied daily in the morning and evening should contain components that attract and retain moisture in the dermis: plant extracts, natural oils, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, vitamin E and others. It is also important that daytime cosmetics have an enhanced SPF factor for sun protection.

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