ADN Free Feet Valerian Nail




ADN Free Feet Valerian Nail

Availability: This product is no longer in stock

New product


Drops for the treatment of ingrown nails — 50 ml

More details

Valerian Nail drops are a revolutionary product that helps the specialist to work with maximum efficiency, and the client to have a calm, painless treatment. Instantly relieve pain by cooling the inflamed area, soothe and disinfect. Treating an ingrown toenail with valerian is a very different treatment than you have known so far!

For salon use.

At the moment, the composition is being specified by the manufacturer.

Area of ​​applicationFor legs
Type of productLeg spray
PurposeAntibacterial, For hygiene, For inflammation, Reassurance
Skin typeAll types
Катя 02/27/2024


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    ADN Free Feet Valerian Nail

    ADN Free Feet Valerian Nail

    Drops for the treatment of ingrown nails — 50 ml

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