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Price: $110
  • Reviews about GIGI GiGi New Age G4

    Марина 12/26/2023

    GiGi New Age G4 Powerful Eye Cream


    Понравился, хорошо увлажняет и разравнивает мелкие морщинки, очень комфортно, не отяжеляет веки



      Hormonal changes in the dermis cause skin aging in women earlier than in men. Natural changes in estrogen synthesis in adulthood create a collagen deficiency - as a result, the skin loses its elasticity, age lines appear, and sometimes hyperkeratosis. After forty years, dermal cells need to ensure active natural synthesis of collagen - it is this component that is responsible for skin firmness.

      Anti-aging therapy with cosmetics containing phytoestrogens restores skin elasticity and firmness, accelerates its metabolism and strengthens the skin. Such substances are related to natural estrogen - their use stimulates collagen synthesis, restoring its deficiency.

      The plant hormonal complex contained in the New Age G4 line from the Israeli brand GG provides active renewal of mature skin, protecting it from collagen deficiency and hyperkeratosis.

      You can order and buy cosmetics from this series at an affordable price in the IDN Cosmetics online store - we will provide fast delivery from Israel to Ukraine.

      Anti-aging active ingredients - New Age G4 from GIGI

      Cosmetics in this series are developed in the best laboratories in Israel. It contains plant estrogens, which provide skin hydration due to the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the dermis.

      The active complex of drugs in the line also contains:

      • lactic acid, which moisturizes the skin and treats hyperkeratosis;
      • natural vegetable oils that strengthen the skin’s protective barrier and nourish it;
      • natural plant extracts that provide complete hydration and nutrition of the skin;
      • antioxidant vitamins and beneficial microelements - to bind free radicals, protect cells and strengthen the vascular wall of subcutaneous capillaries.

      Cosmetics in this series are recommended for women of mature age, as well as during the period before and after menopause. Active components protect the skin from early aging, strengthening blood vessels and improving elasticity. Also, products from the GG New Age G4 line can be used to effectively moisturize and soothe aging skin, and restore it after aggressive cosmetic procedures.

      Where can I buy inexpensive anti-aging cosmetics from GIGI from Israel?

      To receive high-quality Israeli cosmetics with delivery to Ukraine, just order it on the IDN Cosmetics store website. We deliver funds from our warehouse in Israel throughout Ukraine: to Kharkov, Odessa, Kyiv, Dnepr, and other cities.

      On average, we deliver cosmetics to Ukraine in two to four weeks, depending on the specifics of customs and postal services.