
Nawilżający żel do twarzy, Ebrand Precious Ultrasound Gel Hydrating Anti-Aging

Увлажняющий гель для лица, Ebrand Precious Ultrasonic Moisturizing Anti-Aging Hyaluronic Acid Gel
Recenzje (1)
Cena: $41 $45

Tonizująca maska nawilżająca o działaniu antyoksydacyjnym do twarzy, Ebrand Toning Face Mask

Тонизирующая маска с увлажняющим, антиоксидантным действием для лица, Ebrand Toning Face Mask
Recenzje (1)
Cena: $28 $31

Balansujący krem nawilżający do twarzy, Ebrand Rebalancing Acid Cream

Балансирующий, увлажняющий крем для лица, Ebrand Rebalancing Acid Cream
Cena: $34 $37

Ujędrniający, nawilżający krem do twarzy, Ebrand Moisturizing Cream for Normal Skin

Увлажняющий, питательный крем для лица, Ebrand Moisturizing Cream for Normal Skin
Cena: $34 $37

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy, nawilżający do twarzy, Ebrand Hyaluronic Acid Anti-Age Face Cream

Антивозрастной, увлажняющий крем для лица, Ebrand Hyaluronic Acid Anti-Age Moisturizing Face Cream
Cena: $46 $50

Żel kwasu hialuronowego do twarzy, Ebrand Jaluro Hyaluronic Acid-Gel

Гиалуроновая кислота-гель для лица, Ebrand Jaluro Hyaluronic Acid-Gel
Cena: $38 $41

Mezo-booster z kwasem hialuronowym do twarzy, Dr. Kadir Meso Booster Hyaluron

Мезо бустер с гиалуроновой кислотой, Dr. Kadir Meso Booster Hyaluron
Cena: $47 $55

Maska w proszku z witaminą C (10%) do twarzy, Yellow Rose Vitamin C Powder Mask

Порошковая маска с витамином C (10%) для лица, Yellow Rose Vitamin C Powder Mask
Cena: $56

Żelowa maska ​​do twarzy z witaminą C, Yellow Rose Vitamin C Gel Mask

Гелевая маска с витамином С для лица, Yellow Rose Vitamin C Gel Mask
Cena: $37

Nawilżająca i kojąca mgiełka do twarzy, Yellow Rose Hyaluronic Face Mist Calendula & Cucumber

Увлажняющий, успокаивающий спрей для лица, Yellow Rose Hyaluronic Face Mist Calendula & Cucumber
Cena: $37

Nawilżający, rewitalizujący spray do twarzy, Yellow Rose Hyaluronic Face Mist Satsuma & Mango

Увлажняющий, восстанавливающий спрей для лица, Yellow Rose Hyaluronic Face Mist Satsuma & Mango
Cena: $37

Ampułki młodości do twarzy, Heliabrine Anti-Brown Spot Ampoules

Ампулы молодости для лица, Heliabrine Anti-Brown Spot Ampoules
Cena: $67

Balsam do ust z mikrosrebrem, CNC MicroSilver BG Lip Balm SPF30

Крем с микросеребром для губ, CNC MicroSilver BG Lip Balm SPF30
Cena: $9

Maska do twarzy, CNC Clear It Mask

Маска для лица, CNC Сlear It Mask
Cena: $32

Maska nawilżająco-tonizująca «Perłowy Melo» do twarzy, CNC Moments of Pearls Time Oout

Увлажняющая и тонизирующая маска «Жемчужина Мело» для лица, CNC Moments of Pearls Time Oout
Cena: $48
  • Recenzje na temat Kosmetyki nawilżające do twarzy

    Helen Tchernaya 2025-02-24

    Ochronny krem ​​do twarzy na dzień, Anna Lotan New Age Control Rejuvenating Day Cream SPF25


    Очень помог в отпуске, хорошая защита для лица

      Ольга Бурківська 2025-02-19

      Nawilżający krem na dzień do twarzy, Holy Land Vitalise Moisturizing Cream with Hyaluronic Acid


      для моєї сухої шкіри дуже добре підійшов, спасибі за рекомендації

        Валя 2025-02-14

        Nawilżająca maseczka do twarzy, GlyMed Plus Cell Science Skin Bliss Hydrating Masque


        чень эффективная маска, результат с первой процедуры, кожа чудесная

          Кира 2025-02-11


          Skin moisturizing is a mandatory final step in skin care for any skin type. It cannot be ignored - without it, the skin tightens, loses support, and eventually a feeling of dryness and tightness appears.

          Of course, moisturizing should occur both from the outside and from the inside - in addition to using moisturizers for facial skin care, you also need to drink enough water and maintain a sufficient level of humidity in the room.

          You can order and buy high-quality skin moisturizing products in the online store Israeli cosmetics IDN Cosmetics. We offer low prices on original cosmetics from the best Israeli manufacturers with delivery to Ukraine.

          What are skin moisturizers?

          Skin moisturizing with special products occurs at the cellular level. Several mechanisms work for this:

          • due to the difference in fluid pressure in cells and between skin cells, fluid goes into the cells - thereby normalizing their metabolism, and maintaining a well-groomed appearance of the skin;
          • substances in the composition of moisturizers are almost identical to natural moisturizing factors of the skin - they easily penetrate deep into the integument and saturate the skin with moisture.

          With the correct selection of such products, you can significantly prolong the youth of the skin and prevent unpleasant sensations and conditions associated with its overdrying.

          Types and composition of moisturizers

          There are different products that can moisturize the skin:

          • creams - often used as the final stage of daytime care;
          • serums - are additional care, but have a very pronounced effect with long-term use;
          • toners - some toners can actually moisturize, thereby exhibiting a multifaceted effect;
          • BB creams and some foundations - if they contain hyaluronic acid or a natural moisturizing factor of the skin, the moisturizing effect will be quite noticeable.

          However, even if decorative cosmetics promise to moisturize the skin, you still need to apply a moisturizer before it.

          Hyaluronic acid is often found in the composition of such products - the lower its molecularity and the higher the concentration, the more effective the product is considered. Another popular moisturizing ingredient is the natural moisturizing factor - a peptide that is as close as possible in its structure to the natural substance that makes up the elastic framework of cells.

          The online store of Israeli cosmetics IDN Cosmetics offers skin moisturizing products from trusted Israeli manufacturers at low prices: Leorex, Anna Lotan, Holy Land, Christina, and other popular Israeli brands.

          Where to order and buy Israeli moisturizing cosmetics with delivery to Ukraine?

          You can order and buy high-quality Israeli cosmetics directly from manufacturers: the IDN Cosmetics assortment includes effective products from popular Israeli brands at low prices. Delivery is carried out to Kharkov, Dnepr, Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa, and any other city in Ukraine where postal services operate.

          Delivery takes from three to five weeks.

          Frequently Asked Questions

          Dlaczego ważne jest regularne nawilżanie skóry?

          Nawilżanie wzmacnia barierę ochronną i zapobiega przedwczesnemu starzeniu się.

          Jak mogę stwierdzić, czy mojej skórze brakuje nawilżenia?

          Suchość, łuszczenie się, ściągnięcie.

          Czy należy nawilżać skórę tłustą?

          Tak, wszystkie rodzaje skóry potrzebują nawilżenia, wystarczy wybrać lekkie konsystencje.