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  • Recenzje na temat Maski alginianowe

    Варя 2025-01-20

    Złota maska ​​alginianowa do twarzy z ekstraktem z imbiru i witaminą C, Yellow Rose Golden Line Face Powder Mask


    Очень понравилась маска, кожа чудесная просто

      Людмила Р. 2024-12-28

      Miorelaksująca maska alginatowa do twarzy, Brilace Relaxing Algin Peel-Off Mask


      Маска классная очень, кожа великолепная даже после первой процедуры! Рекомендую

        Оля 2024-11-30

        Odmładzająco-nawilżająca maska ​​do twarzy z efektem wypełniacza, Brilace Moisturizing Filler Peel-Off Mask (Combleur Hydratant)


        Маска очень понравилась, результат сразу! Супер1

          Ира 2024-09-15

          Rewitalizująca alginianowa maska ​​do twarzy z płatkami róż, Yellow Rose Hyaluronic Peel-Off Face Mask with Rose Petals


          Спасибо за рекомендацию, маска восхитительная. Кожа чудесная после процедуры



            Alginate face masks are modern assistants in skin care of any type. The product is designed to combat the main signs of aging. It also works as a catalyst to enhance the action of active substances included in the mask itself or preparations applied under it.

            The company «IDN Cosmetics», working with trusted Israeli brands, offers to order natural facial cosmetics at reasonable prices and with delivery to Kyiv, Dnepr, Kharkov, Odessa and other settlements of Ukraine. Products made in Israel and which can be bought from us are distinguished by an original composition, including Dead Sea minerals. This allows you to achieve a noticeable result that lasts for a long time. The cost of the products is indicated in their description. And to clarify the price of courier services, fill out the order form on the website.

            What are alginate masks

            The main component of alginate masks are alginates. These are salts of alginic acid, which is extracted from red, brown and some green algae. This acid does not dissolve in water, which makes it possible to use it as a thickener and a source of minerals not only in the field of cosmetology, but also in the food industry and medicine.

            Diatomite, or kieselguhr, often acts in tandem with alginates. This is a sedimentary rock, siliceous deposits that have adsorption properties, chemical inertness, resistance to acids and high porosity.

            The masks will also contain:

            • plasticizer — a substance that starts the process of hardening of the cosmetic mass (sodium pyrophosphate is often used for this);
            • active components — they are responsible for the effect that is achieved as a result of using the mask.

            The list of possible active components includes various clays, revitalizing substances, plant extracts. The composition is selected individually depending on the purpose of using the alginate mask and affects the cost of the product.

            Types of alginate-based masks

            Alginate masks are available in both powder and gel form. The former must be diluted with water before applying to the skin. Gel products do not require additional preparation and are ready for use after opening the package. The price is affected not so much by the form of release, but by the brand of the product.

            The products also differ in the effect they have on the skin:

            1. For moisturizing. Alginates themselves are able to moisturize and nourish tissues well, and to enhance this effect, hyaluronic acid, aloe and grape seed extracts, chitosan, marine collagen, etc. are added.
            2. For nutrition. Contain vitamins and other active substances that speed up metabolism and promote natural collagen production. Procedures using such masks have a noticeable lifting effect.
            3. For toning. Saturated with antioxidants to normalize metabolic and regenerative processes. Helps to quickly bring the skin back to normal after the negative impact of external factors.
            4. For cleansing. They regulate sebum production, cleanse pores from dust and fat particles, remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, and prevent the appearance of comedones.
            5. For lightening and evening out the tone. They are worth buying if you have problems with pigmentation. The composition often includes ascorbic acid and strawberry extract.
            6. Anti-inflammatory masks. They are used to relieve inflammation after aggressive cosmetic procedures, soothe and soften the skin. Active ingredients include extracts of calendula, chamomile, aloe vera, spirulina and other substances with anti-inflammatory properties.

            Separately, we can highlight the line of rejuvenating alginate masks, the main purpose of which is a comprehensive approach to the prevention of aging and the prevention of age-related changes. Anti-aging products are recommended to be purchased for regular use from the age of 30.

            How alginate masks work

            Alginate masks are aimed at tissue lifting, reducing wrinkles, tightening the face and giving the skin a healthy color. Their feature is the ability to create a dense air- and moisture-impermeable layer. Thanks to it, the active components, without evaporating, are completely absorbed through the pores. The effectiveness of the mask can be increased by pre-applying to the skin serums or concentrates of different effects.

            For the best result, it is important to strictly follow all the steps in the instructions for using the alginate mask:

            1. First, you need to cleanse the skin. You can not just wash your face, but also carry out an intensive cleansing procedure with a scrub or peeling. After that, apply a toner.
            2. Additional active ingredients in the form of serums and concentrates are used if necessary.
            3. The process of preparing the mask itself will be described on the packaging. The powder is mixed with water in the specified proportions. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps.
            4. The mask is applied only in a horizontal position, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is distributed over the face in a thick layer (3-4 mm) from the chin up. It is not recommended to touch the lips and the area around the eyes. (By the way, there are special alginate compounds for the delicate skin around the eyes). Alginate mixed with water hardens very quickly, so you need to have time to complete the procedure in a matter of minutes.
            5. The mixture is left on the face for an average of half an hour. During this time, the muscles should be relaxed. No need to talk, especially if the mask was applied to the lips.
            6. Remove the film with one light movement from the chin. The remains of the mask along the hairline are carefully removed with a cotton pad soaked in water or lotion.

            It is recommended to buy alginate masks and use them 1-2 times a week.

            Where to buy Israeli skin care products

            Israeli cosmetics are sold by the online store "IDN Cosmetics". You can order products from us at affordable prices with delivery to Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepr, and all over Ukraine. You can find out how much a particular product costs in the catalog. And to calculate the final cost, you need to take into account the prices for the services of postal operators.